Sex nur ohne Vorhaut?

Hallo 🙋‍♂️, Ich wollte Fragen Funktioniert Sex auch ohne die Vorhaut Runter zu ziehen? Oder muss man die Vorhaut runter ziehen damit man in die Frau eindringen kann und wenn Nein, Würde das ein großen Unterschied machen ob man Mit oder ohne rein geht?

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2 years ago

Apparently, it’s a matter for you. Of course, a cut man can have quite normal sex. The preskin is a beautiful part of sex, but not absolutely necessary. Just as short as a hint: there would be no Jews and Muslims in the world if you could not have sex without pre-skin.
To the differences: The foreskin is a very elastic part of the tail that can slide back and forth. The front skin consists of two parts, the outer skin and the inner skin. The outer skin is quite normal skin as all the body. The inner skin is mucous membrane as in the mouth. The inner skin is provided with millions of nerve cells, which give an additional horny texture when it slides over the acorn.
This feeling cannot be felt by a circumcised boy or man. In addition, the scorn of a trimming is also more insensitive to any stimulation, because the naked slant is always in the underpants and rubs against it, so that its sensitivity has decreased. Also the undisturbed feeling of an acorn covered by pre-skin cannot feel a circumcision.

2 years ago

As I said, it happens automatically.

2 years ago

It also works without pulling it back beforehand, but at the latest when it comes to penetration, this is done automatically by friction. So it doesn’t make any difference because it happens anyway. Unless you have a constriction. But from a male point of view, I imagine this rather unpleasant. With enough lubricants, it would still have to work.

2 years ago

Sex works with and without pre-skin. The foreskin does not have to be pulled back extra before penetration.

At least if you don’t use condoms.

If one is prevented from using condoms, the foreskin must be pulled back completely before the condom is pulled over, otherwise the condom does not protect as it should and can easily tear.

If you can’t withdraw the foreskin, you should talk to your doctors about it.