Seminarwochen fsj?

Hallo, ich mache jetzt mein fsj und habe die Termine für die Seminarwochen bekommen. Ich hab extreme Angst davor . Wären es tagesseminare kein Problem. Allerdings ist es für mich als extrem introvertierten Menschen eine absolute Horror Vorstellung mit fremden Menschen in einem Zimmer zu schlafen und nicht in meinem gewohnten Umfeld zu sein .
zu dem kommt , dass ich ein pferd habe das ich nicht einfach eine Woche alleine lassen kann. Hat jemand Erfahrungen damit. Muss ich mich so blöd es ist einfach jedes Mal krankmelden oder was gibt es sonst für Möglichkeiten. Von meinem Ansprechpartner kam nur die Antwort dann muss ich halt schauen wie das Pferd versorgt wird

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2 years ago

I have this year too (my FSJ goes on 1.9:P), I am also ultra introverted, but I wouldn’t make a big head there. Horse can possibly take over a friend or parent? And you don’t really have to talk to the people in the room, take a book with you or something, probably not much happens in the room.

2 years ago
Reply to  Yeonacat

Oje :

2 years ago

If you leave you sick every time, you do not successfully complete the FSJ, with all the consequences that this entails.

2 years ago

If you’re sick at the seminar appointments, you’ll come to another group to catch up. Because participation is mandatory.

So instead of meeting and getting to know the same people again and again, you would then be drawn to another group every time, where there is room for the seminar. That’s not a good idea, and it’s more likely to strengthen your problem.

Yeah, that’s not easy as an introverted person, but by some things you just have to go through in life.

Are you alone? I was at the time in a company where several FSJlers were, of which 3 to 4 had the seminar together. In everyday life, I had nothing to do with them at work, as different areas, but you already knew about it.

And yes, the horse is unfortunately really your problem. If you’re sick and you’re gonna have to take care of someone for you, because then even spontaneously, where you can plan the seminars, as appointments are known before. Don’t you have any family, friends, acquaintances on the equestrian farm who can take the weeks?