Seminarfach Oberstufe?

Ich bin jetzt in die 12 Klasse gekommen, verstehe dieses Fach aber irgendwie nicht ganz. Ich weiß wir müssen eine Facharbeit schreiben, aber wie läuft das ab? Ist das wie eine normale Klausur im Klassenraum oder schreiben wir das zuhause? Meine Lehrerin meinte auch, sie braucht eine “Literaturliste” von uns für unser Thema, was ist damit gemeint?

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4 months ago

A subject is a scientific work – a written document about x page to a subject subject (for example the impact of social media on children or so)

Various sources have to be researched for this topic, in particular books are most important. So you have to get/borrow books on the subject and get through this information to write this work.

This exercise is made at home over a longer period of time until the delivery date x

4 months ago

Unclear question. We had to decide between specialist and seminar work.

Ask your teachers about this. Details, it’s probably something different again.

Both have in common that you should create a previously acquitted theme for almost the entire school year.
