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2 years ago


They could, for example, write whether Christian faith was really responsible for the campaigns of Emperor Charles the Great against Saxony or for reasons of power.

What is offered as an alternative in the Middle Ages is the legitimation and identification of the Temple Order.

Other alternative:

The political situation of the Christian kingdom of Jerusalem.

Please contact us.

Best regards

2 years ago

There are wars in ancient times and in the Middle Ages.

It’s hard to find one with which you can’t create good seminar work.

The question is more whether you are just about war, or even about any politics, etc., what happened around the war, because it is getting a little closer.

2 years ago

Seminar work – this is something special, I would say. If they had been published, they would have to have special significance. You probably think someone knows such works privately. Is it for school or for study?

I know a work on the 4th crusade (1202 to 1204) and the report of a noble French participant; he shows that he had quite a war character. (In addition, this report is one of the first documents in the national language at the beginning of the 13th. Jh in the Marne region (now a French département), which was only spoken until then; Written was usually written in Latin and was reserved for monks and educated nobles.)

Finally, in the course of this crusade – contrary to the original plans, the crusade idea in itself and even despite the violent resistance of the Pope – was the Christian!! City of Constantinople (now Istanbul) has been taken and plundered! (see Wikipedia).

But this work is not to be found on the central issue and has not been published.


If you like to research yourself, there is still an exciting topic: the conquest of England by the Norman Wilhelm the Conqueror in the Battle of Hastings in 1066.
One of the consequences: from this time, the French language was introduced at the English court, which had huge effects – culturally and humanly – which still last. –
As a witness of history, there is still the wonderful carpet of Bayeux (Tapisseries de Bayeux), which is this conquest in huge size. I had to admire him twice! Here’s one thing about it.

I wish you could find something suitable!

2 years ago

I find interesting, for example, the Syrian-Roman War is far too unknown and primarily through Polbios was handed over.

In the Middle Ages, the many wars of the Warlords in England might be of interest. After the fall of the Weström Empire, the Angels and Saxony entered and formed small kingdoms fighting against the centuries

An interesting topic might also be historical wars in pop music:

There are extremely many secondary literature about the wars of Rome against Kartago. They are so well known that there are even pop songs

This also applies to the conquest wars of the Dschinghis Khan. The pop song has become very popular