Seminararbeit: Wie beeinflussen äußere Faktoren wie Erziehung, Gesellschaft und Biologie unseren freien Willen?
Hallo, ich schreibe eine Seminararbeit über das Thema: Wie beeinflussen äußere Faktoren wie Erziehung, Gesellschaft und Biologie unseren freien Willen? Ich habe allerdings keine Ahnung wie man so etwas schreibt, zb welche Art, Stil, wie recherchiert man diese Thema? Ich muss bis morgen die Einleitung haben, vielleicht hat jemand von euch ein ähnliches Thema gehabt oder könntet mir Tipps geben?
lg Freddy
About free will you will find as much nonsense on the Internet. Probably the experts won’t remember when you write nonsense. It is therefore important to build up work and hardly to content. I’d give the subject to ChatGPT. I don’t think there’s gonna be much smart. But the construction is quite exactly what people demand.
Here is an inspiration for freedom of will:
The other question is how much we influence education. What is found on the Internet by so-called experts is contradictory. Experts are e.g. completely agree that homosexuality cannot be raised away. Whoever tries to make himself punishable, I think too right. On the other hand, feminists are repeatedly asserted that typical male or typical female behaviors are practically exclusively raised and socially conditioned. Girls and boys, or women and men, are basically the same.
This is clearly completely wrong and was also refuted by many experiments and observations. But if you write that is wrong, you may be very badly graded. Even professors at many universities can no longer say that.
To do this, you will find countless tips and instructions on the net, also from Unis directly, search for “write seminar work”. And otherwise, this is part of DEINER task to work you through it.
Google was the subject first and let you in. This isn’t coming out of the blue, do you have recommendations for reading?