Seltmann weiden suppengeschirr?
Hallo, ich habe bei mir noch Suppengeschirr gefunden. Jetzt finde ich im Internet aber diverse Preise.. teils wird eine einzige Suppentasse ohne Unterteller für 11,50€ verkauft.
Dementsprechend wollte ich mal fragen, ob jemand etwas Ahnung davon hat für wie viel man dies noch verkaufen kann..
Habe ein komplettes Set mit 12 Suppentassen und den passenden Untertellern.
Vielen dank 🙂
Hello, these Suppentassen, Rondo / Liane, are currently offered in the Seltmann Weiden Shop. You probably saw the 11,50 euros per cup.
Just compare the sales prices on Ebay.
It is a very simple use harness without decor, staggering or a special shape.
Just offer it at Ebay in an auction with a minimum price. I can imagine, however, that it would be better to split up your offer in 2 times 6 suppositories. 12 Suppentassen at once no longer sell as easily as before.
Of course, the sales price depends on supply and demand. I would set the minimum price to 60 euros per set of 6. If the maximum bid does not reach the 60 euros, the subordinate tenderer can simply send an offer.
Good luck
… a single soup cup without a saucer is sold for 11,50€.
Here (more than 10 pieces) are offered for 9,90€ each; no one has bought
The – unknown – state is also crucial.
You can ask what you want, just find a buyer.