Selbstwickler Verdampfer?
Ich habe an euch zwei Fragen zwecks E Zigarette.
Ich nutze selber immer nur Fertig Coils schon seit 4 Jahren mittlerweile … finde ich praktischer und bequemer.
Was nutzt Ihr …. Fertig Coils oder Selbstwickler?
Dauert Selbstwickeln sehr lange vom Aufwand her bzw wie oft muss man das immer wieder erneuern.
Ich Wechsel alle 2 Wochen immer meine Fertig Coils ……
Nächste Frage …..
Nutze selber immer nur Verdamper mit denen man Mtl und DL dual nutzen kann.
Darauf lege ich großen Wert weil ich immer zwischen MTL und DL Wechsel.
Gibt es Selbstwickelverdampfer die MTL und DL auch in einem Verdampfer haben … wenn ja welcher Verdampfer wäre das?
Habe nur mtl Selbstwicklerverdampfer gesehen für Preise von 60 bis 150 Euro ….
Danke im voraus für eure Antworten 🙂
Actually I use both, SWV mainly for DL and finished for MTL, but for MTL I still want to lay the Alberich.
I have the Core RTA of Vapefly when you close the airflow inside with something that goes for MTL, but the real thing is not. How about you just buy two? Costs do most really not much. 15-40€.
Depends on what you wrap. Usually, building the evaporator is really fast. Complex windings cost time.
Completely different, as with finished coils too, the lap should keep longer at the SWV, and if you pflet the winding you can use it almost forever.
Yes, however, the kit costs 50 euros… so this small craft kit where all the important tools for winding are included?
No there’s much cheaper mine I don’t think I cost 20€. 100m wire does not cost 20€. Watte doesn’t cost anything.
I highly recommend Alberich II, which is super tasty.
Thank you. I think it will.
I use after I once said that self-winding is in no case what for me, since approx. 3 years exclusively self-winders. I have an Augvape Merlin (DL), an Innokin Ares and Ares II, a Cthulu Hasdur, a Siren 2 by Digiflavour and the latest the Alberich 2 by Vapefly (the latter all mtl). The devices were all between 20-30€ each.
Includes make new spool and thorough cleaning about 15 minutes. Normally you change only the cotton, the bobbin lasts longer. And this is done in about 5 minutes.
Make up new cotton every 14 days. The coil lasts several months up to one year.
Probably yes, e.g. the Steam Crave Lite RTA. But I’m always sceptical. Whether self-winders or pre-coil evaporators: Right well, they can all just one of both, and the other is compromise. Like a Porsche Carrera Combi…
Yes, however, the kit costs 50 euros… so this small craft kit where all the important tools for winding are included?
You need a small ceramic pirate, a winding aid (sometimes with the evaporators), a cheap side cutter and a small scissors. Costs less than 10 euros (from which there is a small scissors). What’s the cost of a finished toilet? 1-2€? And he keeps only 2-3 weeks. The little cotton what you need is one, two cents. Ne Roll wire that lasts for several years costs 5€.
A complete tool set costs just over €20
Make 25€ tool set, 5€ for a roll wire and 2€ for a bag of bio-wat from the drugstore market. So if you spend more than 32€ for Coils a year, you will be in plus after a year. The cotton bag is apparently enough to your end of life. With the roll wire you can also get loose 2, 3 years.
It’s not about… no problem… because I’m a learned metal maker and Mag welder.
But I think that’ll take too much time after work.
Do you want to wrap a little wire around a round stick and cut some cotton to a suitable length? Look at Youtube, there are also good instructions for beginners. Here, for example:
So this is really sooo easy?
I’m still thinking.
I thought… but it was a mistake.
I’d rather leave it… I don’t know how to wrap.
Okay, that sounds good… that you can improve your winding so easy on the go.
That kept me from unwinding.
So the fear of the lack of flexibility you have with a finished coil.
This does not happen after very little exercise. I migrated to the West Highland Way in Scotland in May, was on the road for a total of 14 days, and then I only had fresh cotton. Then I had the Ares with me, and he kept the straps down without a bat.
But even if a winding gives up the mind: I fixed it on the way.
That’s true… I need 2 coils every month (every two weeks).
A DL Coils package cost 11.50 euros.
So I spend 30 euros a year for coils.
One thing I’m worried about is flexibility.
I’ll get a ready-made coil and I’m done.
If you’re on the go and the self-winder fails… wire or cotton… can I just change it on the go?
I’m too lazy to wrap myself