Selbstständigkeit mit Schlepper?
Hallo zusammen ich habe einen Ford Transit Schlepper (5 Meterrampe) von meinem Onkel kostenfrei übernommen, erst wusste ich nichts damit anzufangen und wollte diesen Verkaufen jedoch habe ich mir überlegt ob ich nicht damit nebenberuflich Autos von a nach b transportiere ( natürlich mit Gewerbeschein etc ).
Nun die Frage an euch, macht das Sinn, kann man sich da etwas mit verdienen oder ist das absoluter unfug.
Vielen Dank vorab 🙂
But you already know that, in addition to the “normal” business registration, you also need a “authority for commercial goods transport” from the Landratsamt? This permission is associated with numerous evidence
You need to
Only if this is all “clean” you get permission to transport others
Depends on whether you like it.
I don’t know how much is exactly hanging on the freight forwarders, but it’s often worth it, mostly on the big truck car transporters.
You pay about 1€/km for the transport of a normal car in the ready-to-car state, special sports often more.
If there are also pages such as “uship” where drivers are underpassing, you can look in there.
Rechne high what you have about fixed costs + drive through costs and compare it with revenue.
If you get out minus at the end, you can stay right away.
If you just get over the minimum wage, I’d let it be.
The income also depends, of course, on what you transport, how far and how often.
Hey, thank you so much, I can work once again:)
If you are active in the industry, we may even have to work together, depending on the region 😎🤙🏼
We only use transports, even transport we only do for ourselves 🙂
That’s okay. They are already active 🙂 seems to work
Remember: Usually you return empty! So time and km count twice!
I’d like to talk to all the car workshops in the county. They often have transports workshop -> painters and back, asking if there is interest in outsourcing. Of course, it also means that you need to be ready and available at normal business hours.
Other market niches (weekend load): caravan transport or boat transport (season business). Also appeal to autoleasing companies. Depends on what time you can invest and where your location is.
Thanks for the tip
With the empty drive I had calculated