Selbstständigkeit in welcher Form?

Hallo und zwar geht es um folgendes ich werde anfangen Maracuja Pulpe nach Deutschland zu importieren, ich will das irgendwann hauptberuflich machen, ich habe eine kaufmännische Ausbildung und mir ist bewusst das es etwas in Anspruch nehmen kann sich seine Kundschaft aufzubauen, mir ist aber auch bewusst das es in der Branche immer um größere Mengen geht ( Container weiße ). Ich würde gerne wissen welche Rechtsform am besten zu mir passt? Ich habe mich ein wenig damit auseinandergesetzt und würde die Kleinunternehmer Regelung auslassen, bei der Flexibilität zwecks Bürokratie und Verdienst komme ich aber leider nicht weiter:/

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1 year ago

Hello Rumin,

The simplest for you would be Individual undertakingsthat then runs privately over you, and then simple accounting is sufficient. Only drawbacks: You are also in private assets.

Alternatively, a UG / GmbH would be, then only the company will be liable with the share capital, but here you will expect significantly more regulations such as accounting requirements and double accounting, etc. There would be a tax adviser necessary, so ca. EUR 2500 per year, for accounting and annual accounts.

Since you want to start small, what is sensual, I recommend you with the Individual undertakings, to begin, you can still convert it later into a GmbH – if the whole becomes big and should become more professional. 😊

If you don’t take the small business registration (which I think makes sense) I recommend a accounting software like You can book everything and send the sales tax pre-registrations directly to the tax office. The EÜR is then created with only 2 mouse clicks.

You may also need as an individual company Dates a tax adviser who explains how you can give evidence Foreign countries book correctly, or if you send invoices abroad. There are often different regulations and extra tax rules.

1 year ago
Reply to  GandalfAwA

When you build an online shop 100% precise and legal-safe formulations for the AGB and withdrawal conditions, etc.

Some existing dealers are actively looking for mistakes in the competition and may disclaim them for a fee.

1 year ago
Reply to  GandalfAwA

As an alternative, a UG / GmbH would be liable only the company with the stock capital,

That’s not right.

In fact, a capital company is liable without restriction Total Wealth – and not only the share capital.

1 year ago
Reply to  EinAlexander

Right, with all the assets of the company. 👍

In this context, it was a question of comparing companies, where it was also possible to compare them with the Private assets liability.

If you are freshly founded a GmbH/UG, the entire fortune of the company usually consists only of the stock capital…

Thank you for your realisation. 😊

1 year ago

If you are freshly founded a GmbH/UG, the entire fortune of the company usually consists only of the stock capital…

That’s right, on the paper. It is realistic, however, that a managing director of a newly founded GmbH and only the right of a newly founded HG (restricted liability) does not get a (native) supplier credit if he does not agree to be liable with his personal fortune.

1 year ago

The micro-enterprise scheme is a tax relief procedure and no legal form.

We cannot know what legal form is for you, because we do not know your account balance or the expected revenue. If you can afford the foundation costs and costs for financing, I would always advise you to the GmbH .

1 year ago

UG, possibly.