Selbstständigkeit aufgeben bekommt man dann auch ALG 1?
Guten Tag undzwar wenn man sein Geschäft auflöst Bzw ummeldet auf jemand anderen ist man ja quasi arbeitslos bekommt man dann auch alg1 wenn man mind 12 Monate Sozialversicherung eingezahlt hat?
falls ja wie viel Geld bekommt man in der Regel? Ich weiß noch das beim Angestellten verhält man zwischen 3-6 Monate lang 70% von letzten Netto Lohn bekommen hat.
kann mir das aber im besten willen in der Selbstständigkeit nicht vorstellen wenn man zB 4000 netto hatte und davon einfach 60% bekommt.
also meine Frage wie das so läuft, und ob man bei einer Gewerbe ummeldet auch eine Sperrfrist bekommt?
A business where you earned net 4000 is kind of stupid. But if you overwrite it to someone (or even sell the shop) then you’re simply busy as an employee. At least one year. Better 5. In time, you can also search directly for another job if you don’t really like it. Better than unemployment in the CV.
At any rate, you can’t get unemployment money if you just go. If you have to give up the business for health reasons, you have to use something like a disability insurance. If you don’t have it, it looks stupid.
Or you just do another business if you can’t imagine an employee relationship anymore. So simply do not calculate with unemployment benefit.
warehouse 14
If you earn 4000€ net and just hire the business, of course you don’t get an ALG1
Then it would be indebted
Just like you just quit your job
In addition, you did not have a conciliation-so no ALG1 claim
Basically: YES … except …
If you only want to re-register the industry to cash out unemployment, this will not work.
In the case of the task of self-employment, Locking time The same rules are applied as in the case of self-announcement of workers.
did you even pay in there? No – then you get nix.
and the pension has also “forged” to pay
He wrote down 12 months.
I don’t think after 13 months
he can only mean an AN
he falls out of there
In the last two and a half years at least 12 months have been in an insurance-based employment relationship claim on alg 1 – Search (