Selbstgemachte Buletten?
Guten morgen
Ich möchte die Tage selber Buletten/Frikadellen machen. Dazu habe ich einige Fragen
Also bislang habe ich das Brot in Wasser aufgeweicht, hier schon die erste frage, sollte man lieber Brötchen oder Toastbrot nehmen?
Bei Kochsendungen habe ich nun aber gesehen, das sie es nicht in Wasser sondern in Milch einweichen. Welchen vorteil bringt das?
Zum Würzen wollte ich neben Salz Pfeffer Zwiebeln auch Senf Dazu geben, 1-2 EL auf 500g Hack?
Ich benutze gemischtes Hackfleisch, oder eignet sich ein anderes Besser?
Dann habe ich überlegt Schafs oder Ziegenkäse mit rein zu geben. Welcher dieser beiden Käsesorten eignet sich besser?
Eier gehören natürlich auch in die Masse, ich würde jedoch nur 3 Eigelb benutzen statt 2 ganzen Eiern, oder muss das Eiklar auch mit rein wegen der Bindung?
Habt ihr sonst noch Tipps?
Fragen über Fragen 😀
einen schönen Tag
What’s just there or cheaper… shouldn’t make a big difference. Find Brötchen better.
Water tastes nothing at night, milk already.
I’m always going in there, it’s a good thing.
I find both difficult because very intense. Then more sheep I think.
Don’t have to. But I always get everything in, why not. What else do you want to do with the egg clear?
And… I just don’t think there’s any right or wrong about Bulette/Frikadelle/Fleischpflanzerl. Probably gives almost as many recipes and variations as there are chefs. Just get dressed and try.
I like to throw some more capers in. Must you like
The cheese gives again such a good contrast taste to the meat can be delicious if you make it right. Similar to Bifteki
Bulettes make everyone according to his own recipe, that goes entirely according to the personal taste.
Brötchen or Toastbrot does not matter. You don’t taste water or milk.
You can process the egg as a whole if you have no use for the egg clear.
Cheese does not necessarily belong in, but depending on the taste you can do that.
The cheese gives again such a good contrast taste to the meat can be delicious if you make it right. Similar to Bifteki
Soak in milk! It’s the best.
My recipe:
The bread in milk for min. Soak for 1 hour.
Knead all to a dough and let it pass in the refrigerator for a half hour.
Form hand-sized balls from the dough. Heat the fat in a pan and pour the balls in, squeeze a little bit and fry on medium heat from each side, turn several times, for 5-7 minutes.
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Why Majoran? Why take 1 hour of bread in the refrigerator? Why let at least one half hour pass in the refrigerator? I have never heard of
Majoran, because it tastes!
The hour so that the bread can be processed well!
Half an hour so that the flavors spread even more!
That’s so easy!
You can also clean Italian herbs and garlic… And they eat pasta al pomodoro… How to stop… This is why MY Recipe.
Naja majoran is then probably a taste thing, you could also make paprika pure according to preference
What do you care about the bread? Don’t make a big difference. As a Berliner, I always take the interior of a fresh flu. One per 500G hack. Toast, I’m just going to need it. If, however, there is hardly any difference in taste.
I’ll take mustard in the same amount. But sometimes not, depending on the mood.
Take best mixed minced meat. Cheese has to be found in a boulevard. nix.
I’ll take a complete egg per 500G. For the simple reason that I have zero bock to separate it and throw half away.
Because of my marriage. Obesity we have not recommended buns from the clinic, but VOLLKORN hats.
Soft cheese would also be OK.
Fillers predominantly replace with oat flakes.