Hallo zusammen!
Ich bitte darum unangebrachte und ins lächerlich ziehende Kommentare zu unterlassen.
Ich habe seit längerem Probleme und hinterfrage einiges in meinem Leben- kurz und knapp: Das alles ist sehr belastend.
Ich frage mich, ob es eine Möglichkeiten gibt einen “Selbsfinfungsurlaub” zu machen? Also sich wirklich mit professioneller Hilfe vom Alltag lösen und mit jemanden über die Dinge zu sprechen. Ich habe einmalig sehr gute Erfahrung mit Reiki gemacht. Allerdings habe ich nie wieder jemanden gefunden, bei dem sich dies wiederholt hat. Ich habe auch schon an Hypnose gedacht, bin mir aber unsicher, inweit es bei dieser Thematik helfen kann.
Leider habe ich in meinem Umfeld keine Menschen die sich für diesen alternativen Weg auserhalb der Schulmedizin beschäftigen. Daher fehlt mir der Ansatz, welche Möglichkeiten es alles gibt und was davon zu mir passen könnte.
Ich danke Euch vielmals
you can look for a physiotherapist with additional training in the Grinberg method and see if it helps you – without having to completely get out of your everyday life – get closer to yourself, dissolve blockades (physically & mentally).
In principle, a good idea is always accompanied by critical questions about his diet and, if necessary, to change it, adding balanced meals.
Stress in everyday life can be well encountered with progressive muscle relaxation after Jacobsen.
Progressive muscle relaxation: a simple guide for PMR LinkClickHere
All together + a possible psychotherapy can help your self-discovery great.
You’re good.
Best regards 🙋 ♀️ +😺 +😺
You can do something like that. A cure, for example, at Burnout. You can also make courses in parallel to work, weekend seminars or educational leave
Thank you for your answer! What are these courses?
Google what happens in your area
However, make sure that no esoteric-religious dependencies are generated in these courses. Of these, many steam plumers live.
Yeah, that’s true. I made a course of emotional eating. It was a bit scary. Must see that it is not meditated or so
Nothing to say about meditation per se. It is a relaxation and concentration exercise. Some of them really help. Important: You don’t need a guru for it. And it doesn’t cost the world either.
A good test stone would be: finger away as soon as any, of course not visible/measurable, things are claimed. Mostly “energy”, but like “aures”, “chakras”, “Meridiane”, “vibrations”… The Gurus and a few chosen ones can see the totally good of course and you can be there for the price of just ridiculous xxxx,xx€.
Keywords that should also cause scepticism are “school medicine” / “allopathy”, “intellectual”, “dual soul”, “astral body”… Or typical phrases like “He who heals is right” or “there is more thing between heaven and earth…”.
If you are unsure, there is a non-profit association with the GWUP that strives for it and collects scientific findings on questionable topics. There are articles for many dizziness (“invigorated water” and nutritional supplements of all kinds. Or in doubt a forum where the state of knowledge is explained.
First of all, there is no “school medicine”. A procedure can have an effect, then it is medicine. Or it can’t show, then it’s nonsense. Unfortunately, it can still be sold here, a billion market and the manufacturers are pharmaceutical companies, not elves in the forest!
In Western societies there is a mistake that things are better or more compatible because they are “natural”, that is not artificial. That’s not true, though. But the relaxing, pleasant picture language that unhealing practitioners in their “Praxes” almost always have is attractive. Especially if they offer “hyponosis” or something in the way.
When it comes to self-discovery, you should first be sure that you are not just stressed or unhappy and lets you get deeper into their post-factual parallel world by such people.
See what would make you happy. How do you like to make your everyday life? What do you want to do all day? What else do you want to do? What exactly do you want to achieve in life, such as children, home, etc?
Write up! Only the wishes, not the way.
Then you do the same with things that make you sorrow and negative feelings; so you’re burdening. Write up! Even without reasons or justifications.
After that you arrange them for you to see how you can get rid of the negative things and reach the positive ones. Make plans, write them up! Share them in concrete actions, every year, every month and once a month, you control what has worked out, which is not and you always plan the next few weeks.
You’ll see, that’ll keep you as a roaring music, “meditation” in a quiet space with lots of green and illuminated crystals – this is an expensive form of walking.
You can look for a (good!) coach that accompanies you over a longer period. You can apply for a cure – this is at least a short-term break. I found many like-minded people in the network.
Thank you for your answer! I already had the idea with the coach, so I stopped about a year ago. Unfortunately, it was all different than targeted….
Coach also means everything and nix. The term is not protected. A coach is basically an advisor and you should always ask yourself at first: what will I achieve and how can he help me – so specifically with what knowledge!
Word-famous, but substanceless chatters can wrap one already well, which is called charisma.
I used to get a few CDs from Paul Fleiter. He had a pleasant voice and could well illustrate trivial things with metaphors. Unfortunately, he also told a lot of mischief that was catchy. When he started with coronary artery and conspiracy theories, I finally rejected him.
There’s a lot of junk on the market. You need a really good one!
It’s much easier.
Get out of the comfort zone.