Selbsterfüllende Prophezeiung NUMEROLOGIE?
Ich habe mir meine Zahlen für diese woche ausgerechnet und interpretieren lassen.
Wir schreiben 2 klausuren
Beide haben laut Numerologie großes Potential. Allerdings die Klausur für die ich seit 2 Wochen buckle hat ein größeres Potential und steht ungefähr auf 1-2
Klausur 2 allerdings nur auf ungefähr 3
wie kann das sein ? Die Nummerologie weiß doch nichts von meinem lernen für die Klausur. Zufall oder Zusammenhang?
Numerology stands on a level with flat earth and young earth creationism.
Right. Numberology is the same as horoscope reading, only with numbers.
None of this is serious.
You should rely more on coffee and commute. Then also works with the exams 🤦 ♂️🤦 ♂️ ♂️ ♂️
What the hell is Numerology
Something similar to horoscopes, just stupider.
Unbelievable nonsense. It is interpreted in numbers without any basis.
Amazing that people need to reinterpret something in all their experiences to feel special
You believe in it or not. It’s just humbug for me.
Then explain to me the fact
The fact that Klausur 1 has been learning for 2 weeks on a very good number stands for Note 1/2.
And Klausur 2 for whom I have only been learning since today on a good number stands for Note 3.
Can’t be a coincidence
That’s it and nothing else.
You can easily convince yourself of this:
Don’t even learn for this exam at all and don’t watch the subject in class. Don’t bother yourself in the exam.
Violá, your predicted 3 will not be the result.
Of course, you can do it differently -> learn a lot and see that your note will be better in the end than your prediction.
This has something to do with probabilities and your programming through such fortune tellers. What else is that for me?
My exams have never depended on numbers, but on my readiness to learn, my actual knowledge at the time of the exam.
What odds are and what this means in practice, you know?!
since there are notes in the range of 1-6, the probability of obtaining one or two is 1/3, that is 33.33%. Ever thought it could be a coincidence?
Because for my exam I’ve been learning for a 1-2 weeks.
And because of the numbers.
“Can’t be a coincidence.” Yes, of course. How do you know?
but exactly a very good number at the day when I was very well prepared for a class work
And she doesn’t know anything about anything else.