Selbständig und Angestellter von Hartz 4 Amt 1 Jahr wiedereingliederungshilfe?

Beispiel 1. :

Ich mach mich selbständig und mache im Monat 2000 Netto reingewinn nach allen Anzügen. (beispiel)

Ich stelle einen Angestellten ein der Bürgergeld bekommt. Dann bekomme ich 1 Jahr lang vom Amt Wiedereingliederungshilfe damit diese Person, wieder fuß im Berufsleben fassen kann. Die Wiedereingliederungshilfe ist so hoch wie der Lohn den ich an der Person zahle.

Beispiel 2.:

Meine Freundin ist beim Jobcenter, ich stelle sie ein. ich zahle ihr Mindestlohn 1500€ und bekomme für Sie eingliederungshilfe 1500€.

Da eh mein Geld ihrs ist und ihr Geld mein Geld. Wären das 1500€ Lohn + 1500€ Hilfe von Staat und 2000€ verdienst macht 5000€ HABE ICH DANN DAS SYSTEM GETEIBBELT? XD

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1 year ago

What is your bill, please?

You only have 1500 more or your 2k on it. If you could pay the wages like that, you really would have 5k. That’s why you didn’t thunder the system. Because, as I said, 1.5k don’t do anything, otherwise you work. What, of course, wouldn’t be bad for nothing.

I’m not sure if it works like that. Otherwise, companies would be looking for citizens’ money changers if they could be employed for free for 1 year.

1 year ago

My money is her and her money is my money. Would the 1500€ pay + 1500€ help from the state and 2000€ make worth 5,000€ HABE I CAN THE SYSTEM GETEIBBELT? XD

You have a mistake in your account.

Your employee’s salary is the employee’s salary and not the employer’s salary.

Your staff costs plus/minus are “0” if the amount of your information is correct.

Your income of €2000 remains your income

My girlfriend’s at the job center, I’ll hire her.

Girlfriend isn’t your wife. Is she staying your girlfriend all the time??? Your friend will probably not receive any more cash.

1 year ago

My girlfriend’s at the job center, I’ll hire her. I pay their minimum wage 1500€ and get 1500€ for you.

12*40*4.33 = ~2080

And then you would have the minimum wage gross at 40 hours, she gets paid net and you have further costs at the AN that go beyond the gross.

My money is her and her money is my money. Would the 1500€ pay + 1500€ help from the state and 2000€ make worth 5,000€ HABE I CAN THE SYSTEM GETEIBBELT? XD

And here too, your MAthe is quite interesting.

You don’t pay gross net, so you pay less than you pay in the household. You have to pay the pay you pay from numbers somewhere. You can’t book the gross son and the help as +.

Very simplified and all other entrepreneurial costs and ignoring:

You have in the company 2000 €, you get from the state 1500 (deine given), you pay ~ 2000 gross, the household gets from the 2K gross ~1500 net and now assumed the rest you could pay net we would have we had

2000 +1500-2000+1500 = 3000

And as I said, this is greatly simplified. There are further costs and, if necessary, the profit increases with the new AN.

Very complex subject you should go through with the most special before you shoot yourself in your own leg.

1 year ago

Normally, reintegration aid is never as high as wages. And in addition to the gross wage, there are still a number of additional wage costs incurred for the employer.

This bill never goes up in practice from the back to the front.

Maybe you’ll deal with wage billing from employer’s point of view.