Selbständig als KFZ Gutachter?
Hallo Leute ich überlege in Selbstständigkeit zu gehen , als KFZ Gutachter , nun die Frage ob sich wirklich lohnt weil Konkurrenz so groß ist , wird mir immer gesagt … Vllt hat ihmand Erfahrung …. Weil bin noch jung und möchte was tun aus mein Leben …
Do you have any professional experience in the field?! Then you’ll remember that?!
A classmate from me started this time (without own hall). Was a lot of clinks clean. Today after a lot of work he has opened a small regional chain of test halls or also makes accident reports etc.
Question: Do you have the necessary qualifications?!
I have
That one?
The rich would only have to do small training, which costs correspondingly money, but that leads to self-employment ….
So no.
KFZ Master, since I have worked for 14 with parents