Seit wann wird man in der Grundschule intim untersucht!?

Bei uns wurde das jedenfalls noch nie gemacht!! Da kam nur schonmal so ein Zahnarzt zur Kontrolle, aber nichts am Body oder so.

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2 years ago

there are normal studies for children (U1 to U9), but usually not in primary school, but also with the doctor

maybe this has changed through Corona now, no idea

what is exactly done at the primary school and how is that justified?

2 years ago

You won’t.

2 years ago

Not at all.

2 years ago

You won’t. What for?

2 years ago

It’s not done…

2 years ago

Is that really not? With us was the standard. You had to take off from a female doctor, she just looked at if the skin goes back as an example. There were also some other investigations. It was in the fourth or fifth grade. All children found it very unpleasant. Sometimes you weren’t alone in the room, so there were two, three more guys next to you.

My bigger sister did.

My little sister is much younger. She protested. She doesn’t move in front of a strange aunt 🤣 even called my parents.

2 years ago
Reply to  safur

Perhaps this is no longer possible today or is not the case in certain federal states.

It used to be normal. I mean, even the testicle was briefly examined what they looked exactly, no idea.

2 years ago

Not at all.

2 years ago

Never since.