Seit über einem Jahr Hautausschlag bitte um Rat?

Ich hab nun seit über einem Jahr einen unerklärlichen Hautausschlag den bisher kein einziger Hautarzt heilen kann. Es begann im Achselbereich, weshalb vermutet wurde, dass es sich um eine Schweißdrüsen Entzündung handelt, allerdings ging das rüber in den Bauch Bereich weshalb der nächste Arzt meinte es sei keine.

Bauch und Achsel sind knoten-artig und entzünden sich immer wieder schubweise. Nun ist es so dass mein Ausschlag auch auf Oberschenkel und Oberarm mittlerweile ist und dies nicht wie die vorherigen Ekzeme aussehen sondern eher Flechten-artig.

Hat jemand vielleicht die gleiche Erfahrung gemacht, kann es eine Pillen Unverträglichkeit sein? Ich bin verzweifelt, Biopsie hat nichts gebracht und von Allergie Tests wird abgeraten, da es keine Allergie sein kann. Ich bedanke mich für jede Antwort.

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2 years ago

Well, have you already thought of the possibility that it might be a psychosomatic problem? If the doctors can’t explain the rash, it must be.

The skin is 1.) the outer boundary of the body and 2.) the region intimate contact.

Therefore, such a rash may have to do with you 1.) vllt. Problems have to delimit you from the people in your environment (family or partner) to claim you to take enough space, defend your own opinions, or to let off your parents to emancipate you. You don’t want to hurt the family or you don’t trust you to be different from her and to solve you from them.

2.) it could be that someone (since this time of over 1 year) comes physically closer to you than you dare what you don’t like to admit. The rash would then express a kind of (unconscious) ecle/aversion against too much proximity or intimacy.

To get rid of the rash, you should develop and learn more self-esteem, to you to stand and you less with the others to identify. I think you’d only do that with psychotherapy…

2 years ago

I wouldn’t give anything to the statement that there can be no allergy.

I was also told for years that my blood values would be fine and I would only imagine my “problems”.

Just let another doctor do an allergy test.

Somewhere the rash has to come.

2 years ago

Perhaps it is helpful to think about the diet in addition. Lemon juice can cause allergic skin changes, for example, and cosmetic products such as shower gel, deo or lotions as well.

I would once completely leave all cosmetic products aside due to the many chemical ingredients and start a poor diet, with cooked meat (beef) and potatoes. After 1-2 weeks of observation, then always take some new ones and document in the exclusion process the susceptibility and skin condition. High meat consumption, many dairy products and regular sweets increase inflammatory values. The visceral abdominal fat is also anti-inflammatory when overweight and a abdominal circumference of more than 80 cm.

Maybe this will help you gain new insights.