Seit paar Tagen Übelkeit und unwohles Gefühl?
Laut eine bekannte kommt es vielleicht vom Wetter aber Ich denke eher nicht … meine Ärztin hat auch momentan keine Termine Frei … Könnte Ich da zur Bereitschaftsdienst gehen ?? Und weis jemand was dein sein könnte ? Denke mir nämlich wieder das schlimmste aus
Bummer ask first, but do you drink enough? Currently it is warm, means more fluid requirement. Too little liquid can absolutely hit the stomach.
Too little drinking is a classic summer problem.
Advertise the doctor and wait until you get there.
It could also be just a stomach upset
With acute problems you don’t need an appointment.
You go to the doctor’s office, say what’s going on and sit in the waiting room. Of course, this can take longer until you get pushed somewhere – the time you have to plan.
for acupuncture, ain’t that bad.
Cook ingwerte. It helps against nausea.
Because of a bit of discomfort and nausea in the weather, you really don’t have to run immediately to the doctor. The problem currently has many.
understand what exactly does it have in connection with weather conditions?
Some people react with such problems in the current weather.
weather sensitivity