Seit mehr als 75 Tagen clean – Amphetamin, aber dieser Suchtdruck.. was tun? Hilfe?

Hallo. Ich war monatelang Speed Abhängig.. jeden Tag gezogen, weil ich „musste“ konnte nicht ohne. Dann habe ich’s irgendwie geschafft aufzuhören. Seit ca 75 Tagen clean, kein einziges Mal seitdem gesnifft. Alkohol hab ich auch über monatelang getrunken täglich.. richtig weggesoffen täglich. Jz nur mehr paar mal im Jahr:)

jz kommt aber die Hölle. Ich hab gedacht, es wär leichter ohne Speed und es wär bei weitem nicht so schlimm, SBER das Problem jetzt, dass ich immer öfter den Suchtdruck bekomme, zwar immer nur für eine kurze Zeit, aber richtig stark dieser Suchtdruck, und es wird immer häufiger.. ich WILL weiterhin clean bleiben, aber es ist schwer.. hilft mir bitte. Habt ihr Tipps? Und wird es für immer so bleiben? (Suchtgedächtnis, Craving,..)? Pls help

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2 years ago


There are self-help communities where you can find help: and

2 years ago
Reply to  Ille1811

The best tip, as you can call someone there if it’s really bad.

2 years ago

Hey Nico

Previously: I’m not a professional and I’ve never been addicted to drugs. I can only report here how I have overcome my psychic dependence (if you are interested: was the self-abusing behavior with me). It is therefore possible to transfer it only to a limited extent.


– avoid places that have something to do with it (for example, the bathroom, so it’s a bit difficult. For example, if it was out somewhere where you don’t have to go, don’t do that. It only reminded me unnecessarily and triggered the desire again).

– Dispose objects that have to do with it (for me blades and bandages, with you maybe draw tubes and rests Speed.) Remembers again, the cravings increase enormously and makes it easier to start again.

And if the desire is strong:

– Talk to someone. Don’t have to be a real meeting, don’t even have to be a phone call. With me, sometimes simple chatting has been enough. This will force you to at least take a little moment out of it, maybe you can come down a little while and tell someone else. You just have to be careful (and I know you don’t think about it) that you don’t slip into an emotional dependency.

And finally, it can be that the methods mentioned here are completely unsuitable for others (feedback would be very nice). It’s because my brain is sometimes said to work so semi-good (also in other areas. You can forget that. From the eyes, from the point of view and something like a normal memory, there is no. I mean, what do you want with memories that lie back for longer than half a year? I might have been aware of this in the first month and then I just forgot that I’ve ever done it. When you look at the arm and leg, of course, you are reminded of it and if you think about it in a targeted way, but if nothing reminds me of it, then the desire is also significantly lower because it is just there when I get aware of what was actually.

So far, if I’m in a good mood, I’m clean in the seventh month.

Maybe it’ll help you.

2 years ago

You could, of course, find help with a search clinic. But most people don’t want it. I can only give you the advice to clarify this medically, even if this is a difficult issue. No doctor will judge you because you took drugs. The doctor must not report you to the police either because of the obligation to silence.

You don’t want to fall back, do you?

Please don’t take amphetamine in the future. You’ve got to get that out of your mind, or find help. Just tell yourself you don’t need these drugs anymore. Take off with other healthy stuff.

I hope I could help you and motivate you to give you advice.

LG and good improvement.

2 years ago
Reply to  onichan471

Well, the problem is, you get only pills or drugs that still the addiction. I really don’t have a fuck! 6 months clean. Soon 7, but ne. I can’t do it anymore. Was long enough strong, jz I have no strength and no more WILLEN.. am chronically stressed, mentally sm ass because of my past (5-6 years strong mobbing, trauma, separations, loss of love, dispute between & with parents, and drug past..) & jz comes to the fact that my grandma has to leave us very soon and will be very soon.. She is dying), my other grandmother has had COPD & my big aunt severe heart attack and now lies in the artificial coma.

I really don’t have any more will and on MEDICAMENTS I don’t have a bump.

2 years ago
Reply to  useruser6820

Then you shouldn’t go to the addiction clinic if you’ve already managed to stay clean, but maybe go to a therapist you can talk to. I can’t understand how you feel, yet drugs will make anything worse, don’t you think?

Find help. You ultimately decide for your own good. You cannot say NO to the medications and you can decide the way you seek and care for help.

If one method doesn’t work, you have to try the other one. I guarantee you the drugs won’t solve any problem. I advise you on consumption.

2 years ago

Hi Nico!

Yes, the search print can make you real in everyday life and is annoying.

Preliminary: I can’t feel it, at least not with substances. I was 2.5 years dependent on pornography and had my difficulty to stop. But that’s certainly a different feeling than amphetamine.

From my point of view, what is always important in a withdrawal is willpower. This is only limited in many. I would consider my willpower to be quite high, as I have also successfully escaped from my addiction at the first real attempt.

So I’ll tell you what I did when I had the desire: I had made myself smart and tried various methods. Those who then offered the highest added value for me were driving sports. If you haven’t tried this yet, just go jogging and you’ll notice how you’re coming to other thoughts. Sport makes fit and is healthy :).

You’ve done it a lot with 75 days – more than many others. Respect! I believe in you and I am convinced that you can do this.


2 years ago

Find yourself a self-help group. It helps to talk about it!

2 years ago

Quickly find professional help. Search counselling, psychotherapy, etc.

The pressure usually comes in stress situations and when you experience negative emotions. Be aware: The only right way to process this is to allow and feel it completely. Only then can you overcome it without tools. Try out other things that could help you with stress. Be aware, you will not be able to do it without drugs. This is part of life, as well as pleasant feelings. Google after that.

2 years ago
Reply to  Nicohey0

Yes, you’d have long since and should go to the doctor as soon as possible and then get an appointment with a therapist as well as a psychiatrist.

2 years ago

You need to refill the emptiness that leaves the drug with something healthier!

Put all thoughts and fantasies on and with the drug immediately when they come, throw them on the garbage pile where they belong!

And be satisfied that you are not a superman! Be humble and be grateful!

Every time the drug comes into your thoughts say loud and clear: “I don’t need you hypocrite!”

And be aware of what you really need instead of looking for until you find it!

Happy birthday! Patrickson:-

2 years ago
Reply to  Patrickson

hollow your help in a consultancy.

2 years ago

What’s the reason you started with Speed?

So what were you trying to do with it?

2 years ago
Reply to  Nicohey0

which psychic problems, the reason I’m asking is because you’ve covered everything with the speed and now if you don’t go after addiction no longer use any displacement and don’t distract you it comes up, the origin why you wanted to displace it has never vanished, it has to be worked up this time thoroughly and on the right way.

Do you understand how I mean that?

2 years ago

Then you have to start thinking first you have to throw everything over board what you’ve ever believed to know all that concerns you, all that’s in there in you is mostly a lie.

Yeah, that sounds a little hard now, but I think you know what I mean.

These whole thoughts of I am not worth it I must not exist I should not disappear

These are all lies and toxic habitual lie with which you turn all in circles forever, you have to throw all this out and completely rebuild and structure your thinking from a to z, best with sensible trauma therapy and simultaneous emotional processing. The beginnings I can teach you, the really deep experiences but had to deal with you and nem good therapists if you don’t know how to do you can otherwise destroy too much.