Seit ihr auch so extreme OverThinker?

Müsst ihr auch immer über verschiedene Themen gerade Thema Partnerschaften usw. viel zu viel nachdenken ? So stark das ihr abends nicht einschlafen könnt oder auch untertags an nichts anderes Denken könnt ?

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9 months ago

I used to be very cramped, so it’s not normal.
Today it is much more pleasant! Sure, there are always days worse than others. But all in all, I can’t complain…

I’ve always imagined such moves when it got bad.
I get into the train (the thoughts) if I want and get out if I want. Or I’ll stay at the station.
So you have a little control of what you’re getting into and what you don’t.

I hope I could help!🫶🏼

9 months ago

I know. You can interrupt the spiral of thought. Imaginatively put them in a drawer and make them.

It takes a little exercise, but it really works. I’ll tell you, today I’ve been thinking enough. I can keep working on it tomorrow. In sleep, the subconscious unabsorbs the problems anyway.

9 months ago

I have my thoughts completely under control.

I practice this by trying to stop my mind stream for 1min. I’ve got the problem I’m not thinking about.

9 months ago

I’m overthink every day, I’ve become a disease for myself. I hate that.

9 months ago

No, I have a life.