Seit August habe ich eine Babykatze. Er geht immer auf mein Tisch wo Monitore und so sind. Und klettert leicht am Vorhang hoch. Wieso macht er das!?
Er hat einmal auf mein Tisch meine 2 PC Boxen umgeworfen leicht am Kabel gezogen. Und einmal meine Tischlampe runder geworfen. Machen das Babykatze extra oder Ausversehen ? Und warum klettert er ab und zu auf mein Vorhang ? Und warum legt er sich gerne an mein Gaming Stuhl drauf ? Und warum geht er immer auf mein PC drauf ab und zu ? Und warum wirft er nie 15 Kilogramm PC um oder meine PS5 oder meine Monitore ?! Liegt das an guter Erziehung ? Sogar im Wohnzimmer ist Glas und so, schmeißt er nichts um.
Your cat is probably boring. My first thing has been done, but only when I was busy on the PC and she wanted my attention. She then always ran around between the PC boxes, cables etc. and also accidentally bumped something. Things that she liked to throw down were stuck with armored tape (double laid) from below.
Since the cat had moved in, this has beenhaved almost completely. It sometimes gets down when the Katzis are on a climbing tour or have to walk wild again, but never intentionally 😃
The one thing that has ever been thrown down with full intention was my radio watch, which could not really suffer the 😅 I then glued them and when the Katzis realize that it is no longer moving, it was also uninteresting.
I’d advise you to deal with your cat more and to signal her when “her time” and when “deine time” is. I mean, you’re playing with the cat, for example, half an hour, and then you have 1 hour or so for you, where you do your stuff. It’s hard to find a good rhythm, but if you get some balance in there, your cat knows you have your time now, and she won’t bother you on the PC, and so don’t throw your stuff down.
But you could also get a second kitten to make your cat have an equal social partner to deal with 😁
I wish you good luck
Well, these are cats. You don’t do this intentionally, but otherwise it would be totally boring for your cat. You should be informed about cats beforehand.
And if you don’t get yourself a second baby kitten, please give off your baby cat. What you’re doing is animal cruelty, because cats are not singles!
That’s how cats are.
If you had been busy with the animals before the purchase of your cat (hopefully not a single animal because that would be a torture), you would know that cat holders live with it. Cats can’t be “drawn”- they have their own head and the apartment is their precinct – all in the apartment is their precinct and it interests them zero whether they climb on the scratching tree or curtain, whether they throw their claws on the scratching tree or on the sofa/on the wallpaper, whether they throw on the carpet or on PVC.
All of this is a cat owner and has to get away with it.
If he can’t, the cat isn’t the right pet.
What should a baby cat throw a PC or a monitor?
Can you turn a car on the roof?
But why did baby cats throw PC box and table lamp?
Because they were in the way dead.