Seit 42 Tagen bekomm ich mein Periode nicht?

Hallo ihr lieben ich bekomme seit 42 tage nicht mein Periode ich wünsche mir schwanger zu sein was denkt ihr an was liegt es ich müsste so am 22.08 oder 23.08 mein Periode bekommen Schwangerschafttest hab ich ein billigen genommen hat mir Negativ gezeigt soll ich mal zum FA gehen und blut abgeben .?

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1 year ago

Yeah, definitely do it. All right. Lg

1 year ago

You can do a 2nd test or just wait a second

How long does your cycle usually take?

1 year ago
Reply to  Lina42411

You had no cycle while you took the pill. The bleeding that arises is only due to the pill break. This is an artificial cycle. It could be 60 days. That’s what you control with the pill and the pill break

After putting off hormonal contraception methods, an irregularity is completely normal. It’s great you had a somewhat regular cycle, but it’s like it just moved again, nothing special. Wait and make a test in a week

1 year ago

Whether cheap or expensive – correctly applied, each test shows a reliable result with such a clear overdueness. More expensive on a test is usually the plastic case, not the test itself.

Apart from a pregnancy, there are other reasons why the period can not be left – apart from cycle fluctuations.

Otherwise, if you have no problems or complaints, you can also just wait a bit and possibly make a new test. Even at the gyn, blood is not immediately taken off, where you’re only peeing on exactly the same sticks.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lina42411

If the symptoms of pregnancy were, the test would also be positive. Because the hormone that causes symptoms in pregnancy is also responsible for the double stroke. Maybe another test would not be wrong. And an appointment at Gyn. For if the new test continues to be negative, there must be another reason for the remaining period. And if he’s positive, you need an appointment anyway.

1 year ago

So now that I had an ovarian pregnancy at We, where the first test was negative, I would recommend to every woman to consult the female physician as soon as possible in case of cycle disorders.