Seit 3 Monaten Hausarrest was tun?
Hallo Leute, ich habe seit 3 Monaten Hausarrest weil ich vom Tisch meiner Eltern 5€ genommen habe, aber mein Bruder hatte vor 1 Jahr 50€ gestohlen und hat nix bekommen er musste nur das Geld zurückzahlen und ich weiß einfach nicht wie ich meine Mutter davon überzeugen kann das ich wieder raus darf. Ich bin so traurig und habe sogar zum ersten Mal geweint so richtig geweint.
Three months, I think I’m very exaggerated. I think two weeks would be appropriate.
Yes my mother told me that I can be happy that I can even get out
Well punished in itself justified but 3 months of house arrest are far exaggerated if the 5€ were really the only thing you’ve tapped.
you could talk to the social worker in the claw
Oh, three months of house arrest. Then I prefer my punishment which is not pleasant for me the moment when I come like a child and shame me
I’ve always found house arrest
Claws aren’t at all.
How old are you and why are your parents so serious about you in your brother?
So I’m 14 years old and my mother gave me 3 months of house arrest because she meant that my friends were guilty of how I behaved
I guess you have a different cultural background – especially the mothers are pretty tight
Claws really go nich, this is a super bad property, but the punishment is very exaggerated.
yes this is a good point