Seid wann ist das so?
Seid wann ist es so verbreitet, dass sich Tänzerinnen in verschiedenen Genres so extrem “kaputt tanzen”?
Ich frage mich wie man zum Beispiel darauf kommt, nur um ein paar Moves als Beispiel zu nehmen, hochzuspringen und ohne sich vorher mit den Händen abzufangen aus teilweise 2 Metern mit voller Wucht auf die kniee fallen lässt ohne Knieschohner oftmals….
Oder zum Beispiel bewusst ohne Knieschohner unter anderem sogar mit kurzer Hose auf Schotter oder Asphalt sich extrem fallen zu lassen oder auf den Knien direkt hin und her zu rutschen.
These are learned techniques.
You can compare it with a goalkeeper. When one often sees how torment with stretched body bangs on the ground, one cannot imagine that they do not break all bones. Even if the ground is a lawn.
So don’t worry. These dancers don’t hurt themselves.
In the first video, the left goes down relatively slowly and the middle goes on the shoe tips and then on the knees but you’re right that’s not healthy. But what else do you do what is not healthy?
What do you think of the 2 and 3 video
In the 2nd and 3rd, I didn’t see them falling on their knees. If then it’s just kneeling slowly and doing something down. This is completely harmless.
Where do they dance? Exclusively in the first video you link, one goes “down” and it also catches up very well. I think you’re just exaggerating.
Where or how is she going?
With the hand. And never and never two meters.
There are no 2 meter no… But I’ve seen videos where it was higher…. I’m looking for the link hope I find it
I’ve never seen it before.
The only thing that I’ve seen artists fall when they surf a lot.
Here is an example
This is a 1000 call video with an erotic dancer
How to stand
And the sessel is a net 2m high
Even the lady “does not break.”
I don’t know so many bands, I love to, but don’t worry about any live videos at the last concert where I was the singer
Do you have a link to let me look at something?
Especially if you find this dangerous you don’t know hardcore.
It’s not a good thing that would have lost a tooth
Well, in the end, the knee is actually in the game. Since you’re right, the lady still has the chair where she’s with her hands and so the move springs off as she’s leaning on it. In the end, the knees are not really at risk.
where do you have your knees, please? This is at best the lower leg. When you stumble uncontrollably “threateningly,” you will also be protected from reflex. And that’s not two meters…
She’s banging on the knees with all the rage… Especially when it can only fall on one and then, above all, at the end
Do you have examples?
Videos of such dances or something?
I’ve never seen anything you’ve written.
I added a few left to Youtube above in demand
Just looking.
First video: There you can only see a person who can just fall on the knees. The whole thing on sand and it’s springing off with the hand.
Second video: This is a semi professional dance video. There you have the one or other tricks to make something (like the gravel) look realistic without anyone getting hurt.
If they were actually dancing in the gravel, you would see stones hanging on their hands. Just as an example.
Third video: There were a few places where I knelt someone, but that was always too cautious. Some even a little too cautious, so it didn’t fit to choreography.
From “drop on your knees from 2 meters with full forceor “jump up without catching hands beforehand” there’s nothing to see.