Seid mehreren Monaten Magenprobleme?

Hallo ich bin 16 Jahre alt und noch in der Schule. Ich habe allerdings seid letzten Sommer schon andauernde Magen Probleme und regelmäßig Durchfall. Das schon seid über einem halben Jahr. Das kann nicht normal sein. Ich habe jedoch auch viel Stress also mit Schüler Problemen und sowas. Liegt es daran? Wir waren schon beim Arzt er meinte ich habe eventuell eine Lebensmittel Unverträglichkeit was ich jedoch nicht denke.Ist es eventuell etwas in meinem Magen was mein Körper nicht bekämpft kriegt? Mein Bauch grummelt täglich. Ich brauche Hilfe Dankeschön

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1 month ago

Can have various causes.

Stress would be possible, but in itself is nothing you could easily check, except you could reduce the stress for a long time.

More likely, however, would be an incompatibility. Infections or bile problems or chronic inflammatory diseases or others would also be possible.

I would recommend investigating the incompatibility. For at least two weeks, leave a food group completely (e.g. lactose-containing, histamine-containing, animal products, chalk-containing, …) and then see if it becomes better.

Further possible investigations include blood tests, stomach and intestinal reflection, possibly other gastrointestinal/intestinal studies.

1 month ago

My son had this very long and we tried everything possible on food…not to find. Even the doctor couldn’t tell us.

He then drank camel tea for a while each morning (free, no bags…soll be better) and it became better.

Whether it was on the camomile or at the time…who knows.

You could try another probiotic… Omnibiotic 10 was recommended to me and helped me.

1 month ago

Listen to your doctor.

Dispensed monthly with gluten, then on fructose, then lactose….

That’s how you get it out.