Seid ihr unten rasiert?
Würd mich mal interessieren.. Gerne mit alter und geschlecht
Würd mich mal interessieren.. Gerne mit alter und geschlecht
Hey! Ich benutze normalerweise Deos ohne Aluminium, einfach um sicher zu gehen. Für eine Party neulich habe ich einmalig ein Deo mit Aluminium benutzt (Nivea Deoroller) Das war am Samstag. Die Verpackung verspricht Schutz bis zu 72h. Diese zeitliche Grenze ist so langsam überschritten und ich schwitze immer noch nicht. Kann das mal passieren? Muss…
Hii, ich hab am Ende meiner Periode bzw. auch kurz danach (also an dem Zeitpunkt wo man wieder Slipeinlagen anstatt Binden etc tragen kann, also gerade wo die Tage vorbei sind) immer so einen unangenehmen Geruch untenrum. Ich kann es gar nicht richtig beschreiben, so mega muffig irgendwie. Ich hatte noch nie Sex, hab keinen…
Wollte schon seit dem ich Naruto geguckt habe wissen wieso ist Hinatas Vater so hart zu ihr sie hat sich doch verbessert und ist stark geworden und wer ist jetzt der Erbe
Yes, even if I don’t have much
a w 14
43 Male
I shave my intimate area as well as the armpits for almost 30 years every 2 day during the shower (so since I have been sexually active). My wife, that’s right.
We both like each other smoothly, hairy we find disgusting. In addition, I shave the upper body (bead, chest), my wife is standing on it.
I shaved Grade, but after shaking it again and again grow 6 months and then shave again
How long will your pubic hair after 6 months
I don’t know think so 3-4cm but they will be curly from a certain length
Above above all, below but also something
Do you think in front of you also between the legs (skin lips)
I am unshaved below the neck, 47 years and male
Hello, I’ve been shading intimate since I was 12. Feeling so good! 👍🤣 LG! 😆
It’s been worse
I shaved 3 weeks ago or so
Hello JMsummer,
Hello MrBoyy,
I have been completely dehaired for years intimacy (regular sugaring applications), as I feel so much more comfortable.
Lg. Widow 1985
male, 38
I am 56 years male and have been shaking my intimate area for almost 40 years.
Find it looks so better.
My personal opinion
I M18 always shave me smoothly every 4 days in my intimate area with my wet shaver. I just think that’s the most beautiful thing. I don’t like it so much for myself if I have long pubic hair in my intimate area.
In other men, I find it more beautiful when they are shaved or trimmed in the intimate area. This looks so easy to maintain, in my opinion. I think a bush is just a few men.
But every man should decide what he does with his intimate hair. It is not a duty to shave intimacy as a man. As long as you feel good with his decision, everything is good.
I was when I was 19 years old to naive and shaved myself intimately because the guy asked me if I would. In my embarrassment I forgot to ask him what he was interested in foreplay for me. I shave intimately only for hygienic reasons, not because this is optically more beautiful. I find dark pubic hair erotic, just like beard and hair on my head.
Do not have hair on the whole body anymore that belong on the head and not on the body that is disgusting hair on the body rather smooth and bare and the skin is also beautiful soft
I’m not shaved right now. Once I have reassigned, I have given such pimples and has pruned
Yes, I’m shaved.
Make it two times a week.
many thanks!!!
You ??
I feel better shaved.
Don’t miss a bush
jaa 1 year younger than you
Yes, I shave since I got the first hair
LG Emilia (14)
I’m always bare downstairs. Because I’m too naked, it looks better. My friend and my friend, too bare.
W 19
That’s how it must be!
down hair, absolute No Go.
Shake me out every 8 days. But only until I’m 18. Then I have to let myself laser. W17.
Bummer question but did you find a studio for your project?
I’m looking for something like that, but I haven’t found one for “Christ”
I did. There’s a studio in the neighboring town. I think you’ll find that hard for men.
I’m shaved everywhere but I like it very when it leaves a woman standing down
M 55
I was lasered because I had a very strong pubic hair and after the second day there was a complete bush again. Much better since.
Yes, for many years it has always been smoothly shaved. Like my friend and I like that.
Yeah, I just like it.
no – m mid 40
my wife is not shaved
Yes, find it much better
I shave intimacy every day. I don’t like having hair down there.
I’m 16, feminine and not completely shaved, just the sides.
you are the one of the
I find good 👍most women make everything away
I never shave completely, but I like the hair regularly on 5-10mm and let it grow first.
I have my own ecosystem, no fun. Yes I am, m/16
I am 63 m and I have to epitomize myself regularly throughout the body.
manchmoi rasia i mi lower owa rather seltn
Yes, I do once a week
Just a little stubborn again, but tonight is fresh again 😅
Yeah, it doesn’t like it.
Me neither! 👍
Bin W 21 and completely blank in my entire intimate area
No, I’m not. I’m just trimmed. M/28.
Clear. W17
Yes I shaved smoothly
Depending on the pleasure and mood.
Yeah, I’m completely shaved, I’m 15 and male.
I’ve been completely lasered for three years.
W 21
Bin w15 and completely smooth
No, M14.
Just trimmed. M 30
You’re always just understated. At the top likes to shave smoothly.
M 15 always shave me all 4 to 5 weeks
Yeah, with stashed bush over the penis attachment.
No, 33 males.