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Nur 1,68 groß männlich 16Jahre?
Kann da noch was kommen?
Bin ich Untergewichtig (keine angst vorm essen etc.)?
Alter: 18 Größe: 1.68cm (maximal 1.70cm) Gewicht: 50kg ~ Info: Ich nehme einfach generell kaum zu obwohl ich schon regelmäßiger esse als vor ein paar monaten. (mind. eine warme mahlzeit am tag, zwischen durch mal belegte bröttchen oder cornflakes) Teilweise war das aber mal schlimmer, gerade zu Sommerferien wo ich sehr oft fast garnichts am…
Noh 2 Meter groß werden?
Ich bin mit 15 1,90cm groß, würde aber gerne noch 2meter erreichen, ist das noch realistisch oder bin ich bereits ausgewachsen?
Wie groß seid ihr?
Ich bin 165cm groß 🙂
Robert Wadlow 272 cm?
war der Typ wirklich 274 cm Groß kommt mir kleiner vor wenn sein vater harold nur 164 cm war
It’s really great. Bin M15, 1.76m and weigh about 91 kg.
I think it’s great that my belly is a little sloppy and dirty. I love it when the numbers on the scale rise, pants get too tight and stuff me properly. Will also increase and I hope my belly will finally hang
You’re not serious?
Yes. I have like some others on good question (to find many in my friends list on my profile) the fat fetish or at least I like the🙈
This is relatively 😎
According to the BMI computer of my health insurance company not because they involve the age and a higher BMI is considered normal for people of my age.
I should find other BMI machines.
According to BMI, I’d be overweight, but you don’t see it at all.
Yes now clearly 136 kg at 1.80m
I did. My record weight was 120Kg in 2019. Now I’m at 80Kg at 182cm. 😁
Because I’m just skinnyfat, I’m lucky to have no overweight. :
Naja skinnyfat is not veil better
Because you have too little muscles….
According to Bmi Yes and from the look just as
Do you feel good?
m/15: 181cm and 65kg heavy.
since about one year
How big and how hard are you?
…become me and are constantly seeing it for the long period
God keep, no…. more underweight.
5 kg less would be good.
A little, but that doesn’t bother me. I feel like I am.
the thicker the better <333
Rather underweight.
Jap strong overweight
How much?
It weighs 99.8kg at 164cm
Article 2
No, it’s okay. 😅
But what is not…
Since birth.