Seid ihr selbstbewußt oder schüchtern?
Früher war ich extrem Schüchtern. Doch dann sah ich die Auftritte von Donald Trump. So selbstbewusst… Durch seine Auftritte wurde ich dann auch sehr selbstbewusst. Heute habe ich viele Freunde, traue mich Frauen anzusprechen und bin allgemein extrem selbstbewusst geworden und das verdanke ich Donald Trump.
Seid ihr eher selbstbewusst oder schüchtern?
I try to be balanced to bear the situation.
I’m very introverted and shy a little above average, except I realize that my face is shy, then it helps me a lot. However, I avoid longer contact with strangers because I am socially extremely unhappy and I am very often in strange situations.
Donald Trump shouldn’t be your model of self-confidence right now, he doesn’t have it all.
You’ve seen too many Us sales.
They always invent such pre-after stories.
First of all, self-confidence and shyness do not end. A certain degree of shyness or I also find restraint quite appropriate – especially if I think of such a cling bag as Trump. Don’t take it personally, but because of it, I think your self-confidence is more than doubtful.
Depending on the situation, I also care for shyness/restoration. I’m sure I won’t put them off by pulling in some tasteless grease comodies of a snatched tatter gait.
I am already self-confident but in the appearance rather shy 🥲¶ ¶
Then I would also recommend you to watch a few appearances from Donald Trump