Seid ihr schonmal mit einem IC 3 der DSB Gefahren?
Ich bin mit diesem Zug einmal über die Vogelfluglinie von Hamburg nach Kopenhagen und wieder zurück gefahren
Ich bin mit diesem Zug einmal über die Vogelfluglinie von Hamburg nach Kopenhagen und wieder zurück gefahren
Die Frage steht oben.
Hallo zusammen! Wollte mal fragen, welches öffentliche Transport ihr am am Meisten mögt. MfG ETSPlayer
Kann mir jemand seine Erfahrungen mitteilen. Reicht dass ich das Ticket auf dem Händy als Pdf habe?
Hallo ich muss eine Station mit der S Bahn fahren und noch etwas laufen um bei meinem Freund zu sein. Wie hoch ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit das ich in einer grossen Stadt Bekannte treffe? Meine Eltern dürfen das nämlich nicht rausfinden
Yes, 1x from Puttgarden to Hamburg and 1x from Hamburg to Copenhagen, for a three-week language course. Back I drove over Sweden
Yes – also on the route Hamburg – København (and back). But that’s been many years ago….
Once a few years ago from Flensburg to Copenhagen. A diesel vehicle on a fully electrified route, for me not really comprehensible.
Germany and Denmark have 2 different power systems and there are no multi-system vehicles for this route
That’s right. But the system changes only take place in Padborg and the DB could drive up to this first Danish railway station… .
But then you can’t go through. And the couple dare to hang on a locomotive would be oversized
Yes, once on the same route as you.
No, it sounds outdated.
Very often. He stops at the station I usually use. In the summer he is very often overcrowded, otherwise one travels quite well.
Yes, more often, also Hamburg – Puttgarden, several times to København.
The rubber noses are no longer on the track, but you know that.
Yes, I find it a pity that there are no more subjects in Germany
I was allowed to use IC 3 between Taastrup and Hamburg in July 2003 and found it good. There were only disturbances between Puttgarden and Hamburg, which was due to obstacles from DBAG. In Puttgarden, a remaining freight train blocked the exit and in Ahrensburg there was a regional railway in the way.
Yes, I am. But only in local traffic for a few kilometers.
Where to?
Hamburger Umland. I’d rather not be more exact.
Local tickets are not valid on the train – have never been valid in it.
Since the IC3 around Hamburg were partly on single-track routes, regional railways have also failed for the rerouted IC3, for which the trains were then also usable with local tickets.
Yeah, I remember the totally crowded trains back then. Or was that again? The transfer via Bad Oldesloe was apparently possible with the local ticket…
But the rule is that these tickets do not apply, and there is an appreciable number of passengers who are annoyed by the then very high post-payment fare on the train that is due.
Thanks to construction work, we also had them replaced by local transport
That’s reasonable. But they are also regional or local