Seid ihr schon vegan?
(Für Rosalinde)
Hey, ich würde gerne Eis von Mc donalds oder Burger King essen. Bei welchem Eis sind die meisten Toppings drauf?LG
Hi ich war heute bei Müller und hab von den kaugummis die ich immer nehm eine neue Sorte gesehen und hab die mitgenommen xd als ich dann wieder zuhause war wollte ich mal schauen ob die überhaupt vegan ist weil ich vegan esse und ich dachte halt die wäre auch weil die anderen sorten auch…
Gesundes Mittagessen? Rotkraut mit Würstchen und Kartoffeln?!
Heute mit Freund churros geteilt wieviel haben die so im Schnitt an Kalorien?
Hallo, Ich würde gerne Wissen, ob Fruchzucker aus Obst genauso schädlich ist wie normaler Industriezucker. Danke im Vorraus!
Vegan no, vegetarian, yes, not for pinklinde. Being vegan is not very practical in my eyes and you also have to take B12 supplements and pay great attention to protein and calcium requirements.
Don’t be crazy and let me miss the best food.
Vegan yes, but definitely not for pinklinde. And no one else except for myself.
Oh, that’s not so good, but it’s certainly not enough.
No, I don’t have any nutrients. Because I get everything about the pure vegan diet and B12 is the only thing I take sporadic times (I actually had to take it much more regularly, but I forget it regularly for a few days to weeks and then again for months not at all). And yet I do not have any deficiencies but my blood values are all top (and I have to pay for it because many values are simply not in the big blood count and if you want to have them clarified to pay extra for it)
A vegan diet is not only the most ethical and ecological, but also the healthiest diet, and needs-covering. I had already written a detailed answer with 21 studies and the position papers of large nutrition companies.
Also about the causes of , , and I had already written detailed answers and comments. All these diseases are caused by animal products and fat.
The healthiest people in the world are those who feed themselves carbohydrate-rich and very low-fat, without exception, and the closer you approach a vegan diet, the healthier. The food of humans is starchy carbohydrates, potatoes, cereals, noodles, rice, oatmeal, corn, fruit, vegetables, legumes, beans and lentils.
Why are animal products unhealthy?
Animal products are unhealthy, regardless of quality, origin and preparation, because they consist of the same toxic, carcinogenic ingredients:Cholesterol, animal fatty acids, animal proteins, growth factors such as IGF-1, hormones, carcinogens, oxidants, bacteria, viruses, haems. These problems are associated with all diseases in tens of thousands of studies and the most important mechanisms behind them are scientifically known. Non-Vegans focus only on the positive effects of the good ingredients (nutrients), which account for 0.1% of dry weight, and ignore the negative effects of the bad ingredients that represent >99% of dry weight. This is Appeal to Minority Fallacy in a health context, a logical failure. The positive effects of the good ingredients cannot compensate for the negative effects of the bad ingredients, so animal products – despite nutrients – lead to bad health outcomes.
Therefore, all comparative studies show:
Plant-based animal product alternatives are healthier and more environmentally sustainable than animal products
2022: Vegan replacement products are healthier than animal products.
A four-week dietary intervention with mycoprotein-containing food products reduced serum accumulating in community-dwelling, overweight adults: A randomized controlled trial
2024: Vegan replacement products are healthier than animal products.
Animal vs Plant-Based Meat: A Hearty Debate
2024: Vegan replacement products are healthier than animal products.
I was just eating meat and fish in 2018 and couldn’t eat it anymore and after 1,5 years of daily between two and six eggs hang out to my neck so that my body has closed all animal products from the diet in mid-2020. I have consumed milk products very rarely and honey not at all. Since 2019, had also tried a lot of vegans when something new came on the market.
Since 2021 I have been completely vegan and feel very comfortable. From the transition to vegan I did not get much, but only my environment, which then addressed me in October 2020, whether I live vegan or not because I have not taken all animal products to me anymore or only in acute exceptional cases.
You can say that I’ve turned because I’ve just been overcrowded by the animal stuff and my body just didn’t want these things anymore. And so far I have no desire to take anything animal back to me. In the meantime, I have Bock on certain dishes that contain just animal products, but I still had no problem to cook them in vegan
Thanks to you such people are more sympathetic than the vegan militant.
What was your reason to become vegan?
If you make it wrong, any diet will entail disadvantages. Not just the vegan.
But from me you can eat what you want as long as it tastes 🤷🏼
Would definitely not be for me.Eat dear meat or my eggs.It has also been proven that a vegan diet brings many disadvantages to health
Yes, mainly for Rosalinde or for ethical reasons compared to the deliberately directly killed/tolerated/exploited animals. But also for other reasons:
Bro just writes articles in the chat
For a long time – not only for “Rosalinde”…;)
Will also stay like this – no matter what others think of it!
Currently vegetarian, was long vegan (not only for Rosalinde 🫠)
No, and will not change in the foreseeable time.
No, and I don’t think it’s gonna be.
Are you vegan?
Yes, I am.
Because I “as far as possible and practically feasible– all forms of Exploitation and Atrocities to avoid animals for food, clothing or other purposes.”
(for Rosalinde)
I’m against animal quality.
For the other vegans would not feed the saved Rosalinde, so that they would have to starve to death.
Completely vegan never. But there are delicious vegan dishes. Can you eat before, but not just…
No, I’m eating normally.
Honestly: What a doofe question
Indirect, yes:
Cow eats grass, I eat cow.
Great if “deine” cows still get grass…;)
No, I don’t like it.
No I live for meat!!!
Milk products and eggs are also incredibly important.
No cocoa, ice, pudding etc.
The animals want to be eaten and you don’t
you eat meat or not?
Send me your address
But please
No Hannes-Dietrich-Peter you are a man!!!
Then you’d like to put things in my ass.
I am a woman
That’s right.
Then I will bind you a knot in your Pimmel du Waldorfschüler!!!!
But I come and put the carving in the ass
You can’t stop me from eating a delicious Wiener Schnitzel now!
No, of course not.
For Rosalinde, the place in the sausage is just the right one.
I eat less meat and we only take the meat and the animal products from our farm.
No, I’m not and I’m not.
No, I don’t want to.
No, not for Rosalinde either.
I’m a human being, a omnivore.
No, I love the animals.
You cannot justify cutting heads off and the diet with the lowest animal suffering is naturally a vegan diet.
The Rosi may decide for himself, I decided against it.
Me taste meat and fish. Eggs, milk… may not give up.
the animals can live but not live.
if you want to eat them, even though it is not necessary, you will exploit them
I don’t exploit animals. I’ll eat them.
We’re turning around. You live your life, mine.
but you are not in a situation where you need to exploit animals. Then why are you still doing it?
Sure. If I ever get into this situation, like the people once after the plane crash, I would also eat human flesh. crash-in-den-anden-last-ausweg-canibalismus-34445310.html
veganism never claims violence. that is simply impossible. we are talking about the exploitation.
and if taste is a valid justification for you, you would also have to confess kanibalism
If one rejects killing completely, one would have to starve – for plants also live until harvest.
I respect the label of posture, buy 4, 5 or organic. But in total I don’t like to forego.
It’s okay for me if you decided otherwise for you, but for me personally I decide myself.
I like all this, but do you think that taste is just for violence?
Ne and will never be
consider what the animals would want
It doesn’t help the animals if I’d eat vegan. There would be so many slaughtered
Okay. Why do I have to justify much if I kill a human?
I don’t need them.
Your “ethical thoughts” are completely unimportant. You are also not an instance which “justification” might be required. You’re so ridiculous.
well, these are fundamental ethical thoughts. So, you’re justification?