Seid ihr schon einmal alleine gereist?
Seid ihr schon einmal völlig alleine verreist? Damit meine ich jetzt nicht nur einen klassischen Urlaub, sondern wirklich in Form einer Weltreise, Auslandsjahr, Work and Travel etc.
Falls ja, welche Erfahrungen habt ihr gemacht? Wie war es für euch? Und würdet ihr so etwas weiterempfehlen?
I wouldn’t have wanted anyone to do this, except maybe some fellow students with the same subject. All other people would hardly have been able to see that I did nothing else in Athens 14 days than old stones;-).
All alone I would not want; I would be much more happy to be able to share my experiences/experiences/recollections with someone – so another person should have at least.
Apart from the couple of classic vacations, I was also for a language stay half a year in York, North England. Was very nice there and the host family was friendly.
Was 4 months alone in the USA with 18.
Only 3 months worked and then traveled 1 month. It worked super until the problem of car rental. But then I solved that with remote buses.
What was the problem with car hire in the USA?
Car rental is only possible in the USA from 21 years.
you get to know new people all the time. It was great!
by Sri Lanka, India. Nepal.
4 years ago, I made a trip through Western Europe with my Suzuki Jimny ne and then to Morocco.
Was a cool experience and I would do it anytime.
1 year in South America.
On the way, you always meet someone, and otherwise you talk to the locals.
Started this year.
First “only” package trip.
Didn’t want to fall on the nose.
I liked it.
Once I have my driving licence
Okay Denmark, but I lived by the sea and I had a well-paid job. It was just fantastic:)
How was it there and would you recommend the job? If so I would like to know more?
Don’t look at it
…..and I almost died from a loud homeweh….