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In a car UKW (because old), in the other DAB+.
I only listen to radio in the car, and that’s why UKW is completely enough for me at DAB Plus too little transmitter Available
And if I want it digital, I can also connect the Iphone to the car radio and listen to Via App
DAB+ is scrap. Try to receive the NDR in Oberbayern. It doesn’t work.
I’m using an Amazon Echo Box instead of Alexa. With this you get all German stations also the private and also foreign.
No DAB+ is Super has more rich than the fucking UKW
And can you receive NDR Hit Radio FFH in Bavaria?
No internet radio
AM on medium wave *ggg*
Because whenever my Navi in the car doesn’t recognize my USB SSD, he’ll throw me back to 540 kHz. There’s probably a Hungarian radio station. I don’t understand, but it fell a few times the name of Budapest.
But specifically: I hear GAR NO RADIO more – for decades not. If it should be, probably UKW-FM. Because DAB is actually anything but great in the cover. Drive through a wet deciduous forest – and the DAB signal is gone. Don’t fit with FM.
Internet stream or satellite.
UKW can only senders I don’t want to hear, senders that I want to hear can’t be received at all or are so trusted and unstable that it is not possible to hear something satisfactory.
DAB+ doesn’t work here at all.
UKW, DVB-C Radio and Internet Radio
I don’t use DAB+.
UKW, air and cable.
DAB+ and UKW mixed, depending on what is currently available.
Since my tube radios have excellent FM reception parts, I don’t see any sense in getting a DAB+ receiver. DAB’s been overhauled for a long time.
In the car DAB+, at home still UKW (although I rarely hear radio).
Both, DAB has a lot more transmitters, but often too weak transmission signal and is not to be received everywhere.
Nautical digital
I usually use DAB+, at stations that do not exist there I switch to UKW or internet radio.
I don’t hear a radio on the Internet.
100% Internet radio. Since I don’t have a car, I don’t need a DAB
you do not need to
In the car UKW, home all DAB
Hi, shgold.
I’m very conservative. 😆
I’m still stuck with UKW.
Greetings, Renate.
Still at UKW.
Fucking UKW Better Digital Radio
Only DAB+
Digital radio or internet radio
Fucking UKW to turn off FM like AM LW KW MW and UKW
I usually hear UKW if I ever turn on the radio.
Just like UKW is just the best.
I am also for ukw