Seid ihr nach Kündigung im Streit auseinandergegangen?

oder in guten Verhältnissen? Und warum?

(Bitte nennen ob gekündigt oder gekündigt worden)

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1 year ago

Because I was denied the severance and even the works council could not do anything about it. 🙁

1 year ago
Reply to  OpiPaschulke

Thanks for the star.

1 year ago

Chef and the lead have spread a lot of lies about me in the place (have become incapable of work) and have already tried to play my colleague and myself against each other beforehand. However, the latter did not work because we knew each other long before we worked there and knew that things could not vote.

1 year ago

I’m just gonna go and go in the good.
I quit and my deadline is not shortened to show all the necessary things to my soon ex-college.
I am also invited to this year’s Christmas celebration, although I will no longer be here.

You always see twice and should always leave everything clean.

1 year ago

Termination was due to professional development. All sides had an understanding of it and congratulated me more on the new place.

I still have contact with the former employer today and we exchange regularly. I sometimes help with problems with a humble advice or a professional opinion.

Cancellation must not always have negative reasons.

1 year ago

Not really. The boss was polite, despite the accusations, and I was too shocked and too insecure to say what and to clarify the misunderstanding. So there was no quarrel, but it wasn’t supposed to be.

1 year ago

Where I was terminated, my only answer was total war and fire from all the pipes. There’s nothing else for me. I’ll never get back in there anyway, so why not – what should they do, they’ve quit. Sowing employers have to be pointed out.

The only exception was when my city was taken up because the county canceled them, but my boss wanted to keep me. I then remained there with other duties honorary. Not the one I had in the job, that’s not possible. It was a visitor center for mental sick people, I made music with them and everything possible.

1 year ago

However, I extended the notice period from my side in order to incorporate the new employee as my successor. You always meet a second time in life.

1 year ago

My last termination was because of a move I couldn’t do anything for. I was rather very sorry about the job, but it was not different. So I went absolutely well.

1 year ago

However, I didn’t want to allow myself to cancel, and then we agreed that I would only take a one-year break.