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Yes, sometimes I had such hands, especially after my work with the motorcycle. I have a bike with the gasoline engine and when I begin to fix it, then my hands, shoes and face can even become more dirty than you see on the picture.
No, but if I’m on the construction site, I’ll wear my gloves
dear tomkom,
especially in gardening, where I really pack and
can feed my passion and wreath in the dirt,
I am full of pleasure a dirty fink!
It happens that I’m shopping at the Aldi,
as it was last year,
not even wash my hands before, but,
as dirty as I am, go to Aldi!
But the cashiers know me and laugh.
And I laugh!
Greetings and all good, dear tomkom!
My hands often look like that. I work a lot outside.
It’s quite common. Then only temporarily.
Normally not.
Yeah, but at work, I usually have gloves.
I can’t work with gloves effectively. This missing feeling of fine arteries out in a time-consuming burial. I need a screw, but only one and not three. Or my glove is stuck somewhere.
No, I wear Op gloves and wash my hands with doctor soap
An intermediate size I need is not available. Size 9 is too small. In size 10, the fingertips of the glove are often clamped in.
Better “bar-hand”, but getting dirty.
No – always try to stay clean…😂
No, not at all. I care about hygiene and cleanliness. It’s important.
Huhu, dear Tom.😘
As a rule, no…. I hate dirty hands.
Of course, it is sometimes unavoidable, then I have to buy this……
However, you’d meet me on the way, and I’d have to hide my fingers, no, that wouldn’t happen. How unappeticable…..
Greetings, Renate. 😊
Hello dear Tom🥰
Yeah, yeah, when I work in the garden, I always look like that.
LG Sky
I’d say I’m extremely hygienic.
Always full of oil and lubricants 🫣
No, I’m not a dirty fink.
Depending on what work I have to do, sometimes the hands are pretty dirty. ̄\_(ツ)_/ ̄