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I was riding for five years. No riding school, but a small farm in a village near my residence. Nothing had to be paid for riding, we helped in the field and in the hay harvest and we did stable work. The most beautiful were always the tournaments, where we performed a self-studied quadrille or jumping, as well as an Indian show with caravans.
These are unforgettable years and memories. I hope I see my Nurika again.
That sounds very nice!
I’m afraid riding has never been fun.
And what do you like to do?
Well, that’s a lot, I’m always happy to be creative.
As a child, I always liked painting, crafting and reading. I also liked to play with dolls and lego or cuddly animals.
I got a cat later and I’m still creative.
I was in a riding school.
the pony we had in our own way and teaching my parents did not pay me. so I exchanged bone fat for riding lessons.
if that wasn’t good, I wouldn’t have gone there.
when I haven’t lived there any more, I visited the stable and then got a good horse to ride ( riding instructor, training horse, sales horse…)
I never wanted to, it was just because my mother wanted it and because there were many on the gymnasium.
Unfortunately, not, but it would really like to do it, but there is no possibility in my area.
I wasn’t in a riding school and I’m glad. I had to ride through my sister, but I’d rather drive Kart.
It was fun, but with time it was less fun for me, just because my older imaginary sister was there.
I have no experience with it.
Not really logged in but had some riding lessons
//Hups, riding school! x)
No, I wasn’t! 😀
I wasn’t in a riding school.