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The hatred in society must stop and the culture of discussion on the net must change as urgently. It can’t be that people have already sworn and insulted before they even listened. These stupid guilt assignments and insults about intelligence must finally stop. That doesn’t mean anything. What are you doing? What is to be achieved with this? The only thing that is achieved is even more hatred and that, I guess, in our society no one can use anymore.
It’s completely okay to have other views on themes and not to be an opinion. It’s also perfectly okay not to be able to know each other somewhere or to be really a failure.
But the decisive question is, how is it dealt with?
Right now it’s like this:
In the case of different opinions, one wants to convince the other and becomes aggressive to the need and starts attacking the other personally.
If someone doesn’t know somewhere, he doesn’t admit first, secondly, when it comes to a few people laughing at him, pulling him in the ridiculous and insulting him again.
If someone obviously failed, then of course, he is also insulted and put into some drawers.
What are you doing?
Why don’t you just know people point to obvious disinformation and why don’t you just accept if someone has a different view than yourself?
It is not a question that you are widely ‘accepted’ when someone, for example, shouts Nazi slogans around the area. But in the vaccination theme you could just let it stand like that when someone sees something different than you yourself, conspiracy theories I don’t mean.
But what you don’t have to stop is insults, submissions, hate comments, ad-hominem arguments and flat-rate. This can be addressed and criticized accordingly. You should.
There are things here that happen on interpersonal planes that should not remain incompetent.
I’m vaccinated three times with Comirnaty BioNtech without any problems. The 4th vaccination follows in autumn. No infication. The vaccinations are just as natural for me as the tetanus protection.
Three times. In autumn, the fourth is added.
unimpeded and that remains so, everyone should do what he thinks right.
I’m unvaccinated! I have read here many times after vaccination: green points, often sick, health propleme, heart muscle ignition, even the dead! So I just find it stupid that there are still such naive state sheep that swear high and holy that there is guaranteed not coming from vaccination!
anyway, everyone thinks that such things would not come from the vaccination! can you even look bright?
if you come back with “querdenker”, “conspiracy theorists” or “worm”: I’ve never been on a demo either I don’t think there are any microchips of bill gates in there or something! So why am I directly a conspiracy theorist, sworm or so only because I’m well-founded about the effectiveness of vaccination? A bit of healthy scepticism must not be completely wrong, right?
Think about it…. it’s a vaccine that it didn’t exist a year ago. No one can estimate how long-term consequences or damage are. There’s still an emergency permit. Each headache tablet must be tested for at least 7 years to get an authorisation at all. The vaccine is experimented with genetic components from viruses. Nobody knows what can happen after a few years, what risks there are. And you’re gonna let yourself be vaccinated? the tests at some point were no more than health proof was long conspiracy. with the 2g rule confirmed this theory!
the people think somehow the government is the omniscient one who only thinks well with us! what they want is the quick money! want to fight a pandemic but at the same time make the tests payable? no! if you want to fight a pandemic, you don’t have to make it easier to get to the antidote!
Never needed the vaccination for anything. I assume that I will not die of corona.
Had corona without symptoms…
M22, already got the 4th vaccination with Biontech, never even any side effects, trusted in science (given family are doctors, even vaccinated myself when we were all there).
Later in autumn, the vaccination will be adjusted again to the new variants and prophylactically improved in the direction in which the virus seems to develop, then I am also happy with the 5. Vaccination if it is ready.
I’m not sure. Possibly that I’ve been vaccinated again. At that time, only had the two basic vaccinations and never a booster.
Not against everything, but so against what is recommended for my group of people. I have the principle that prophylaxis is always better than rehabilitation.
I vaccinated three times. Since I have problems with my heart since then, I will voluntarily waive further vaccinations.
3 times
However, there will be no 4
Of course.
I’m 3 × vaccinated with Biontech.
Three times and other recommended vaccinations will follow
Of course.
Because it is the only morally correct decision.
Isn’t there any reason to inoculate
Certainly reasonable and not an irrational blurring vaccinator. I’m vaccinated against everything.
Pocken, Masern, Tetanus, Hepatitis B, Diphtheria, Pneumokokken, Covid-19, Heroes Zoster, and and and
Is that necessary again? The question would have been answered if you simply left the first sentence.
Hass in the net is a problem. Hass im Reallife meanwhile. You’re both upset with such actions.
By calling the liar liars… are you going to make sacrifices to perpetrators?
He’s right.
Just because someone sees something critical, he’s not a liar.
That’s different, but in the opposite sense, as you mean.
Your statement remains completely unnecessary and inappropriate.
That’s your personal opinion, you didn’t eat the truth with the spoon.
Besides, this is not about the righteousness, it is about not always having to say that, even if you think so. This is completely unnecessary!
I vaccinated three times.
Persuased against Covid-19.
There is no reasonable reason not to be inoculated.
These generalizing statements are a problem, since they indirectly call a part of society as stupid and thus only reinforce hatred in the net and in real life whether it is intended or not.
If you say you don’t see a reasonable reason for you, that’s okay. But if you say there’s no one in general, then you’re pushing people who have one. That’s unnecessary.
Probably something like, “Yes, they don’t have one!”
But honestly, how do you even know the reasons of the other person if no one can talk to the other normally?
Only as a comment, since I find it imaginable in which direction our society is moving. Don’t understand this as an attack, it’s just a note.
On such small things in the formulation it is often important whether a statement can be interpreted insultingly or it is completely okay.
I haven’t seen a reasonable reason yet. Not online, nor in real life.
You can call me a lot?
And no. I have not called anyone “dumm”, but if you actively oppose science and medical experts and thus harm society, you can certainly doubt the cognitive skills of this person.
In the case of corona vaccination, there is no strong social argument since it does not prevent the virus from being passed on.
So I’m just referring to the subject of personal protection:
If someone is e.g. genes and had a mild course, then it is understandable that he does not fear Corona and now does not have the need for vaccination.
You can simply consider it too little for yourself and that is not irrational.
A vaccinator can nevertheless acknowledge the scientific facts about vaccination and believe that it can act against serious events and death. (KANN because you never have a final certainty, that does not mean that scientific facts are contested)
So, I can totally accept what science has to say, but I do not have to accept the vaccination.
If the weakening of the course seems unnecessarily to me, for example, because I have already been through Corona and that has not been bad with me, then that is legitimate and has nothing to do with anti-science.
A reasonable argument would also be that of possible vaccination effects and no, I don’t mean a painful arm. It is well known that vaccination in some people has caused heart problems and if one is not well, that is also an argument. In front of all, if you were already infected and had no problems with Corona.
Just because you didn’t pick up the Corona vaccination, you didn’t stand up against science.
If vaccination only slightly reduces the likelihood of the virus being passed on (in the case of highly infectious Omicron as well as not at all prevented, there is only protection against ITS and death) but in no way prevents, then the “damage of society” is not a logical argument.
The problem is that the intelligence of a person is often already doubted, only if one has read his vaccination status. This is an ad-hominem judgment and is not based on meaningful facts.
against different
And so
3 times from Biontech
The question has been asked ten million times.
I don’t know, it depends on how Prof. Lauterbach sees it.
Of course.
Unvaccinated and that’s what it is!
And the whole
Hallihallo 🙋🏻,
4 x BioNTech 👍🏻
I don’t want to, and my parents say no. So against Corona
Better not read the comments here
I’m just doing it. Quite a lot of sympathy here, but at least the community experts are on the right side.
Three times and now I’m done.
the body itself has been designed to survive diseases for thousands of years, so I am: unvaccinated.
A thousand years ago, the body itself has perhaps become 40, a maximum of 50. Until medical progress has been made, e.g. vaccinations have been developed, with which we become part 100 or older.
and that’s why you should have a shit invented from a lab?
Your theory that people became older because of medicine is only partly correct – look at what they did a thousand years ago
they are not just going to work & have been sitting around
The body is also designed for survival in the wild, but nevertheless you are not in any forest and go to collect berries
Your body is not a thousand years old and unprotected against newer diseases. Happy to die.
against what bad, is imp ok – but not just for such a bullshit like “Covid”
it’s a funny thing. you mean, the man who had got licks, and died painfully, found that funny
I’m just quoting myself:
Is that always necessary? (No.) When can you (assistors) at last proclaim the insults to unimped?
Corona is still rolling because there are still stupid debes that don’t want to see it.The Pandemi is not finished yet.
Corona angry over a year before the vaccination came. Did everyone die or what?
Is that always necessary? (No.) When can you (assistors) at last proclaim the insults to unimped?
Nobody believes that.
Well, then you don’t have to worry that the insults would get you out of the hospital.
But, um…
Why am I still alive?
Because the majority is already vaccinated. Only particularly stupid people still don’t believe the Covid is bad and that they are imun.They don’t land at all on the ITS, which crawl at home or on the streets.
For those who land on the ITS, yes. For them, Covid is bad. But in the clear overnumber are the people for which Covid is a cold with smell and flavor disorders.
There are worse viruses than Covid.
You don’t say that the flu is generally bad because some of it dies, do you? This is not supposed to be a comparison with the flu, with it being clear that Covid is worse than the flu, but “just” because people die from a virus, it is not so that everyone is equally at risk.
In Covid, on the contrary, the majority is not at risk of landing on the ITS.
Without vaccinations, today still massively would die of the pox, die of paralysis, etc.
Vaccinations are a blessing and not a “three.”
Covid’s a bad thing.
Because of medicine and hygiene. These are the two main reasons. At that time, when it was stupid, you died of a cold. And sweet, you’re talking about “invented shit from the lab.” It’s very good to see what drawer you can put in.
Not vaccinated against Corona and happy about it
I am vaccinated against everything except Corona 🙂
Of course vaccinated! For solidarity reasons!
The solidarity argument would have been my only vaccination, which must be said once. I was never afraid of Corona. But when it was said that the vaccination did not protect against transmission and would mainly be a self-protection with regard to the course, then my last reason went to flee. So much for the alleged egoism of the unimpeded.
You don’t have to make your lack of expertise visible to everyone. Apparently you like to make yourself a cashier.
You have successfully defended your “I’m telling my mom” position! Whoever needs to be cleaned like you, now has a weakened position, but through our guarantee deserves a disrespect as you deliberately think us adults are stupid. I’m sorry for your parents!