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It is perfect when you feel old and mature enough for it. And the circumstances fit.
No, I don’t think there’s THE perfect age.
I think that depends on parents. Do they feel ready for a child and can they provide it? If so, you’re ready….
there are couples who are with 40 not ready for it, others can do so already at 16/17 (here).
It is therefore necessary to distinguish this from the person, the character and the strength of the will and then you can see when you want children yourself.
This should not be determined by any age (okay, at least in the area where you can get children and the child can be born healthy)
Thank you for your answer
From a medical point of view, definitely!
At least one span when the risk of miscarriage is the lowest. In addition, the age of the mother plays an important role, with very young or old mothers there is a risk that they die during birth
LG Kira
To reduce it to the medical point, however, it fades that people do not live in vacuum. (Physical and sociological view.)
… but not in numbers:
As late as necessary and as early as possible.
As late as necessary, when the parents are fully oriented in life. This is likely to be as early as 20 years in the young adult age, with some people only in the beginning of 30.
As soon as possible, so that man is still young enough, all the joyful challenges that our children give up to us can also “lightly”. This should be typical of mid-50, then the parents would be 70 and in the enrollment of the “higher age” if the child becomes full-year.
All of this can be very different and thus, for example, a mother with 17 J. may already be fully alive or, for example, a “young” father with 60 can still accompany his children completely.
From an age when you mature it is the perfect age! Women with 50 can also get a child. Maybe not so often but still it goes!! Why would it have a perfect age? Everyone can decide when to get a child and when not
However, there is probably a very small and a very high age in which it may be better not to get children. A reasonable age is then somewhere between these age limits.
There’s an age span where you could say that it’s good when you get your kids.
In women I would say between 20 and 35, in men between 22 and 50.
These are not absolute values. but one should just stand in life with both legs and at some point the biological clock has just expired with the woman. then it becomes more difficult with increasing age and also as a father you should not be too old to be there for a while for your children.
Of course, no one can guarantee. but the chance to see his child no longer awakening is just grö0er when you get 50 vater, not with 65, which is also possible.
Lg, Nicki
No💗 I don’t think if you feel ready there, you’re never too young or too old 💗
It’s just perfect when you get
1, has found the right and is safe
2, if you feel comfortable with him
3, you two are mature enough
4, you both agree
I greet everyone who reads this here
Married with 18 or 19 and received with 21- 27 children
I find one should generally get married early and then get children (so with 18-25 years)
How about you?
What, what about me? I am unmarried and only Allah knows when I marry or whether I am getting married
Well, wedding, etc. is one, but kids get a completely different one. There are sometimes very poorly researched diseases that make a witness almost impossible or make this more difficult. Unfortunately, such topics are spoken too rarely! Then Allah cannot do anything.
I wish I would marry now if I had the opportunity to do so. I’m not ready yet.
But in the end, it is all only Allah’s decision and only He has predetermined when I marry or whether I will marry
Then you’ll contradict yourself with your comments. With your 19 years, you have “only” 6 years to make the truth you have written…
That’s definitely not what I’m talking about. On the one hand, I have my own personal experience, on the other hand, I have met people who have already got offspring around 20 and were really the perfect parents in my eyes. Others, on the other hand, get significantly later when they already have life experience, children and you just think: OMG!
One should want stable income in stable employment relationship, stable partnership. It’s not tied to age.
However, from my point of view, there are ages when you should not have children.
You can’t generalize it. There is no perfect age for everyone.
But I think everyone gets kids at his perfect age. Sooner, later, but perfect.
and what do you mean?
See also:)
Between 20 and 25 years.
If you want it and can take care of it alone or with parents, there is no exact age
If you wait for the right moment you missed him at some point, you should only be prepared for it and have enough space
The older you get, the more likely problems can occur in pregnancy. I know a woman from the neighborhood who used to be a doctor, she once said with the change years, a woman should stop with the child wars.
Personally, I mean between 20 and 35 is the cheapest age.
People can be perfect at such different ages. And so different at the same age.
This is perhaps a cliché now, but 21 I think is a good age
Age may play a certain role, but more important is maturity.
No, there is no
From a biological point of view, in any case.
What then makes every single one of them is an individual decision.
No, if the moment has come, is the thing of the two parents.
I think your current constitution and life situation is much more important than age 😉
There is generally nothing that would be absolutely perfect.
Here too, the situation is different for each individual person.
Clearly. At least from a medical point of view – and this is obviously not insignificant., as well as%20whole births%20am%20.
At best a perfect time.
Between 25 and 30 J
Not even a good one.