Seid ihr bei Werbung auch so?
Wenn mich eine Werbung sehr nervt, dann schwöre ich mir genau dieses Produkt niemals zu kaufen 🙂 Und halt mich auch daran haha
Wenn mich eine Werbung sehr nervt, dann schwöre ich mir genau dieses Produkt niemals zu kaufen 🙂 Und halt mich auch daran haha
Away with the Fairies ( Ich von der Sparkassen-Werbung Son: Away with the fairies – Tom Odenthal der macht das auch nicht oder nur einmal zerkleinern
„Herr Ober, da ist ein H in meiner Suppe!“ Weiß jemand von euch kessen Spürnasen, wie die Figur heißt, die Grobi im Restaurant darauf hinweist?
Welche Serie finder ihr besser, oder welche guckt ihr lieber?
Ich habe Spotify Premium aber kriege trotzdem 2-3 30 Sekunden werbe anzeigen pro Podcast, ist das immer so?
Yes, the more advertising comes, the more I hate the product, I had to watch the 14x car advertising yesterday….
My condolences.
What car did you buy now?
One that drives you against your skies
I’d have to remember the product, and that’s exactly what the advertising wants.
I try to avoid advertising so that my time is not wasted.
No, I swear very rarely and certainly not on or against advertising.
In order to “raise” you at the advertising company, you are desiring to make your own judgment on the product.
The advertising company does not act completely independently of the client – this also blesss off what it receives in video material. So, yes, of course, I’ll get to it. Because you can also make advertising pleasant and fun and not intentionally get people on the nerves:
Nervige Advertising:
Funny advertising:
especially at ARD ZDF, I find advertising a bosenless insult, because I have to pay ARD ZDG about the GEZ.
Of course I don’t want to buy these products. And often I do.
No. I do not buy products after advertising, but as required. Good advertising can at most awaken interest, no more.
I don’t let advertising affect me…
That’s what everyone says.
I’m not buying any products I see advertising
In fact, yes:)