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… but I would like to experience it.
However, it has not been possible to persuade me to take the long way and all the circumstances. With 62, you don’t just think about it once.
My parents were there for the first time last year. My dad’s your age. For Wacken and the Family you are never too old🤘🏻pack your seven things together and next year covet with us on Holy Ground🤘🏻
Yeah, I always think so. Maybe I can do it again. 👍
definitely not! not in the least. but no!
if, then only smaller hippie festivals and reggae festivals. and there is no alcohol excess (I cannot get off)
I would probably only have annoyed myself with the soaking, even though this event would already irritate me if the right bands were there.
Definitely not! NIcht in the weather, not in the music (although Iron Maiden is not bad)
No, I’m not.
(How easy no one is… 😂)
I don’t have to let myself be tattooed a few days ago….
I am glad to have missed nix this time in relation to the festivals before.
No fan of festivals, concerts.
Basically no fan of any similar stuff.
Even as a metal fan no need to go. I’d rather go to the dynamo, and I’d rather go to festivals 👍🏻
But I want to go there when I am full-year 🤘🔥
But I’ll watch it on TV!
Uriah Heep… 😉
Certainly not.
Strange that some people want to go there voluntarily.
For me this is the absolute nightmare!
I saw pictures of it today.
No, really. I don’t need that.
Einma enveloping then also grows the Wacken again.
But mine is more like that
We are unfortunately part of the beach
I was sent home?
We have already been on a campsite in the surrounding area on Tuesday and stay here for a few days
Zero Komma Zero Interest
I can roll in the mud for free.
It’s another collective. 😁😉
Not sure