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2 years ago

BelaMoser was a young man from Poland who had always dreamed of going to Germany. He wanted to see the world and heard that there were many opportunities in Germany to build up his future.

One winter, Bela decided he couldn’t wait any longer. He grabbed a couple of things together and went on his way. It was cold and the snow was high, but Bela was determined not to turn around.

He wandered through the snow for days, without shoes and without real goal. He only knew he had to come to Germany somehow.

Finally, after many days of cold and exhaustion, Bela finally reached the border to Germany. He was tired and starved, but he had done it.

Bela started a new life in Germany. He found work and built up a future from which he had always dreamed. He often thought of his journey through the snow and knew that he would do everything to never walk through Poland without shoes in winter. But he was proud of what he had achieved and knew he could do everything as long as he only believed in it hard enough.

2 years ago
Reply to  ProfHeisenberg


2 years ago

No, I haven’t been in the situation yet.

2 years ago

No, I’ve never been to Poland, and if I were going to leave somewhere, I’d at least wear my shoes.

2 years ago

No, I’ve never been to Poland.

I wouldn’t be traveling extra to Poland just to leave without shoes.

2 years ago

No, I wouldn’t do that stupid thing.

2 years ago

Of course, who doesn’t.