Sehtest Fielmann?

Kann mein bei Fielmann auch nur einen Sehtest machen, ohne nachher eine Brille zu kaufen, weil man sich das Ganze vielleicht noch zu Hause in Ruhe überlegen möchte? Ich neige dazu mir gerne mal die Dinge durch den Kopf gehen zu lassen und mag es daher überhaupt nicht, wenn ich vor Ort nach dem Sehtest schon überrumpelt / gezwungen werde, eine Brille zu kaufen.

Weiß zudem zufällig jemand hier im Forum wie viel es denn kostet, nur neue Gläser (die günstigsten) in ein vorhandenes Kunststoffgestell einarbeiten zu lassen? Das Aussehen der Gläser ist mir egal, ich muss nur derzeit seeehr auf meine Ausgaben achten.

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1 year ago

You can easily arrange an appointment, online or on site and then Free make a vision test. That’s why you don’t need to buy glasses, neither immediately nor later.

The cheapest glasses cost from €20. The pair costs approximately 60€. Of course, it is also much more expensive.

1 year ago

Hello xyz4444,

Of course, you can do a visual test at Fielmann without buying a glasses. Probably you will not get the vision test result, but it will remain in the branch.

The pair of simple plastic glasses costs 19.50€, mineral glasses a little less. plus a grinding fee! – as you bring your own version.

1 year ago

so you can do. of course, they want to sell something.

Let yourself be advised for 10 minutes and then say that you want to consider which glasses you want.

that with glasses in existing frame I had once seen 29€ due (does not know whether this was per glass or for a couple) however that was not with fellmann.

should also look at others. apollo or also a local optic. from the online optics (mr. spex, etc.) I advise you!

1 year ago

Fielmann’s eyes are checked for the first time. Maybe you don’t need glasses… if so, it would be advisable to buy one. Can ask for the cheapest model. And I’m sure there’s nothing to think about. If you have glasses, it is better to wear one. Otherwise you can save your way.

1 year ago

You’ll have to ask that in the store. Why is an optician supposed to give away his working power and make the profit behind any internet optician? It is about 20-30 minutes working time. Also a branchist does not live from the sinking, perhaps you will be offered 30-40 euro for the trade fair that will be credited to you when buying glasses. That would be fair.

1 year ago

I can’t tell you about the cost, but it’s possible to have a vision test without having to buy glasses. I used myself

1 year ago

The vision test is free at Fielmann. Make an appointment in a branch of your choice very conveniently online at Since the visual strength can change over the course of life, we recommend that we carry out a visual test every two years.,a%20seighttest%20seat%20seat%20seed.

1 year ago


1 year ago

Fielmann is an optician.

1 year ago

You don’t have to.