Sehr starker druck in brust und luft not was tun?
Hey ich habe seit ungefähr 3 Tagen einen sehr starken druck in meinen brustkorb, schmerzen und Luftnot und hatte heute morgen ziemlich starkes Nasenbluten ich arbeite beim arzt und wir haben eine Ärztin in der Weiterbildung die sagte mir es wäre nur eine muskelverspannung aber ich weiß nicht ob das normal ist das dass so dolle ist? Denkt ihr ich soll ins Krankenhaus oder nicht
ich bin dankbar über jede Hilfe
What’s your blood pressure? Did you write an EKG, make a Corona test?
This would be important, a -chocardiogram, or long-term EKG in the cardiologist, if the blood pressure is high, also a long-term blood pressure measurement.
Through too high blood pressure, these complaints can come, or through many other things, the diagnosis that the doctor introduced in further education, but came about without investigating the parameters, plus blood withdrawal?
The diarrhea is not normal either.
I’d stay there, it’s gotta be cleared, what’s going on. Corona test, measure blood pressure, measure fever at the weekend already at home.
But I would insist on an investigation, or if it becomes unbearable, calling 116 117 on the weekend.
Good improvement for you.
Thank you very much
You’re welcome, we’re quietly saying “you”, all love.
Hello..the doctor might be right.But it’s your health, and if it’s bad then let you go to the hospital to check through.
Good improvement 🙏
LG Sky 🌈
I’d have it examined.
the fact that I would break my head if I didn’t know what it is
You should go to diagnostics to make sure your heart is okay.