Sehr häufig Zwischenblutungen?
Hi, kurze Info ich W/20 nehme nun schon seit ca 2 Jahren die Jennifer Pille. Hatte nie wirklich nie ein Problem alles Top, seit ca 2 Monaten habe ich immer mal wieder ganz leichte Zwischenblutungen also wirklich nur leicht rosa und nach 3 mal wischen kam da auch nicht mehr raus. Das passiert mittlerweile schon so 1mal wöchentlich oder häufiger. Woran kann das liegen? Ich nehme die Pille regelmäßige, vergesse diese nie und sonst hat sich in meinem Leben nichts verändert.
Hat Jemand ähnliche Erfahrungen? Hab mir schon einen Termin bei meinem Frauenarzt gemacht, dieser ist allerdings erst in 2 Wochen.
Hello, I’m holding yours Jennifer even for a very reasonable pill, if there is a certain health environment for it. :
The bleedings you described do not seem dramatic to me. What do you think of Jennifer? without break to always have the highest possible level of estrogen? – Many very dear greetings, Imke =)
Question may sound stupid, but what does it mean to me to have a high estrogen level? And should I always take them without a break or just take them now? Greetings:)
Hello, you have post.
Your problem is not super urgent. Therefore the appointment SCHON is in two weeks and not “first”
Intermediate bleeding is one of the most common side effects of the pill. And even if you think it wouldn’t have changed in your life, you won’t be younger…
But there’s something that doesn’t have to be right when I’m bleeding a bit every few days no matter what stage of the cycle.
Maybe I’ll make an elephant from a mosquito, but I think it’s very important. That’s why I meant “first in two weeks” that there are more urgent matters, I understand:)
You have no cycle when you take the pill. So that’s not true – at least in terms of your clarification and the associated vocabulary.
The bleeding in the pill break is also not a period. Just because you don’t have a cycle. She’s a bleeding.
I said misunderstandably, it was more about how far I am away from my period. So I have these bleedings when I take the pills break, in the middle of the blister, at the beginning of the blister shortly after my actual period or just before.
This was more meant that I have no “right” cycle, ovulation etc., I know myself.
Talk to the female doctor. Change the pill or set it off. This is a side effect.
What can it be that I get side effects only after 2 years? Or is that just bad?
No one knows when which or how the side effects occur or whether any of them occur at all.