Sehr dünne Schicht beim 3D Druck, mögliche Ursache?

Hallo, ich habe bei meinem neuen Anycubic Kobra 2 Max einen Trichter drucken wollen. Die untere Schicht sieht aber sehr dünn aus deshalb habe ich den Druck abgebrochen. Ich würde jetzt vermuten das die Düse zu nah am Druckbett ist. Die erste Layer lässt sich auch schwer entfernen, fast so als wäre sie eingebrannt. Ich habe das einrichten mit Auto Leveling gemacht.

Was könnte das die Ursache sein?


  • Geeentech PLA Blue
  • gedruckt bei 195 Grad
  • 60 Grad Druckbrett

Danke im Voraus.

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11 months ago

It is not so easy to find the right height for the 1st layer.

A value that indicates the height difference of the leveling sensor to the nozzle is used for autoleveling. This value can be changed and the pressure can be started up or down.

In the slicer there is often the possibility to determine the height of the first layer.

From both values you have to find out by testing which is the best setting.

Very good are also 1-layer printing templates which plot large areas. If the printer has “Babystepping”, you can drive the DÜse a little high or down during the pressure and look for an installation where the pressure is still adhering but not too thin.

10 months ago
Reply to  Devin216

Unfortunately, I don’t know it by heart, but there is the possibility to print a kind of edge layer that is supposed to make it easier to remove the print bed. This also has an influence on the pressure from time to time, since it is possible to widen the edge differently and in this case ensures a greater stability of the printed object on the printing bed. I print the first few layers at smaller distances(0.2 or 0.15) so that this is already a greater strength.

11 months ago
Reply to  Devin216

In the settings of the printer, the displacement of the dues to the leveled height must be changed. This is normally a negative value that must be smaller, i.e. -2,55mm instead of -2,65mm, then test, if necessary re-adjust until it fits.

10 months ago

That’s the “Brim.”

11 months ago

You have to get it first…

11 months ago

Right, there -1.90 in and try. Then adjust again if necessary.