Sehprobleme trotz guter Sehtests?
vor ein paar Tagen war ich beim Optiker für einen (Führerschein-)Sehtest.
Ich hatte bei der ersten Reihe keine Probleme, aber die zweite und dritte Reihe konnte ich gerade so als Reihe erkennen. Die vierte und fünfte Reihe konnte ich wieder einigermaßen sehen (nicht perfekt, allerdings gut genug).
Der Optiker sagte, es sei normal, dass ich ein Problem dabei hatte durch diesen Apparaten hindurchzugucken. Die anderen Sehtest waren unauffällig (bis auf die Vermutung eines latenten Schielens).
Straßenschilder kann ich nur kurz vor knapp lesen.
Einzele Buchstaben der Sehtest sind immer okay, zusammenhängende Wörter aber machen mir scheinbar Probleme.
Ein anderer Optiker hat auch keine Sehschwäche festgestellt.
Was soll ich machen? Es fühlt sich so an als würden Optiker und Augenärzte mich gaslighten.
Liebe Grüße
Hello, you found it yourself
Sounds to me like you need a visual aid. You couldn’t see the 2nd and 3rd row well (but again the smaller ones below?) – strange.
I don’t think that the optician’s statement is “normal” – or did he mean to be smart because of your guessed? Usually no one has a problem with such a test apparatus. !
Did you pass the FS test? I can’t imagine your description.
Have you ever been to the ophthalmologist to get your eyes examined? Evtl. because of that too?
I officially passed the test. He suspects that they were insane rows because I should look through something that some others are supposed to have problems. The potential shilling probably has nothing to do with it.
I’ve always been a lot with optics and eye doctors because I had the feeling that I need glasses.
No one has noticed his now, but I never had the feeling of doctors/optics to become serious.
One possibility would be to visit a clinic with a special eye department. Maybe there are doctors or even a professor who takes up your problem. It can’t be that you feel insecure on the street, but opticians and eye doctors think everything is good.
but then again the smaller ones below?
That was with the other eye.
You couldn’t see the 2nd and 3rd row well (but again the smaller ones below?) – strange.
The 2nd and 3rd row are viewed with the right and 4th and 5th row with the left eye.
I’m testing differently. Once all rows only with the left, and then all only with the right eye. If the customer comes to Visus 0.7 with the right and left without problems, he no longer needs to name the smallest lines.
OK, our device lets you see the top row with both eyes, and the others as described. All characters are set to Visus 0.7, but can also be changed.
but then again the smaller ones below?
That was the other eye.