Tendonitis full plaster cast?
From experience, a full cast around the arm would help. But the doctors always come with a splint. What's the point of arguing with that?
From experience, a full cast around the arm would help. But the doctors always come with a splint. What's the point of arguing with that?
Hello, I have a question. I worked in a metalworking shop until last week. Despite wearing gloves, a tiny piece of splinter (not visible even with a 10x magnification) got stuck in my handball glove. I've removed the surrounding skin, but I can't see anything. How do I get it out again?
Assess this situation: A patient wakes up from deep sedation with sufentanil (0.5 µg/kg), ketamine (2.5 mg/kg), and midazolam (90 mg). He opens his eyes, but hours later, he still doesn't fully respond to commands. Is this normal? Is this sedation strong? Could the recovery phase take longer? The patient was sedated due to status…
Hey, I went to Haus des Döners last night (midnight) and bought two kebabs. When I got home, I ate them, of course. An hour ago this morning I woke up with stomach pain, the most disgusting diarrhea I've ever had and a strange taste in my stomach. What is the best way for me…
Inwieweit kann ein Koma über mehrere Jahre die Entwicklung in der Pubertät beeinträchtigten? Wird man sich trotzdem normal entwickeln? Kann man z.B. Pickel oder Akne bekommen?
Hello, When does a small bandage need to be changed after foot surgery? Unfortunately, I can't see the doctor before Monday. Is 5-6 days too long? It's not bleeding. Before anyone writes that I should have asked the doctors: nobody in the hospital told me anything about this, and unfortunately there wasn't time to answer…
Hello, I have surgery tomorrow because I have a hydrocele in my testicle. How long will I be able to avoid sports (soccer) afterward? Or can I return to playing right away without restrictions? LG Jannik
Kann man machen
Obs Sinn macht, sagt dir dein Arzt.
Ja, es gibt Sehnenscheidenentzündungen. Gips gibt es auch. Was soll ‘Voll’ sein?
Komplett außen rum am Arm. Weil Schienen bei mir nichts mehr bringen
Das macht man nicht mehr und das bringt auch nicht mehr als eine gipsschiene. Wie kommst du darauf dass eine Schiene nichts mehr bringt?
Es gibt noch die Möglichkeit einer OP oder kortison spritze. Man könnte aber auch mal ein mrt machen um herauszufinden ob es überhaupt eine sehnenscheidenentzündung ist oder eine andere Ursache hat
Was ist komplett außen rum am Arm? Die Sehnenscheidenentzündung hat man im Arm.