Ich habe seit letztem Jahr Mai fast durchgehend Sehnenscheidenentzündungen. Daraufhin wurde ich im September operiert, es wurde dann kurzfristig besser, jedoch habe ich seit einigen Wochen wieder Schmerzen. Ich habe sogar meinen Job gewechselt um meine Hand nicht unnötig zu belasten und arbeite eigentlich gar nicht am Computer. Hat irgendwer das gleiche Problem und hat irgendwelche Tipps oder was man noch machen kann?
Hello Andreas861👋
I had such an inflammation on the elbow, I am still in treatment, it did not have to be operated, it was the result of another disease. I had this over a year ago and since then I regularly have 1x a week of ergotherapy, the inflammation led to a fibrosis and a stretch and beuge deficit with me.
When because of my knee, because I had to let this operate, ergotherapy came out, the pain came back in the elbow, I felt it when I started ergotherapy again, the pain became less.
An ultrasound therapy can also help, but also further ergotherapy, exercises in self-regy, led by physiotherapists or the ergotherapists, perhaps also a bandage that I got for my elbow, through the pressure that creates, the compression I have less pain and can at the same time make my joint move, it should not be an orthosis that restricts in the movement, but really gives a bandage, but letting down models.
Ultrasound therapy helps the body to stimulate processes and can have a pain-relieving effect especially in diseases in the musculoskeletal system.
Thank you so much, I’ll try ergotherapy.