Sehkraft wieder verbessern?

Guten Tag, ich habe ein kleines Problem. Und zwar war ich in den letzten zwei Jahren sehr viel an Bildschirmen, und habe auch nicht darauf geachtet, genügend Abstand zwischen mir und dem Handy, Laptop,…, zu lassen. Mittlerweile tun meine Augen weh, wenn ich über längere Zeit aufs Handy schaue. Auch habe ich ein bisschen das Gefühl generell schlechter zu sehen. Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob ich mir das einbilde, oder nicht.

Seit kurzer Zeit achte ich stark darauf, wie weit dass Handy von meinen Augen entfernt ist und versuche meine Bildschirmzeit zu begrenzen.

Kann sich meine Sehkraft sollte sie nachgelassen haben wieder verbessern? Und sollte ich z.B. eine Kurzsichtigkeit entwickelt haben, kann sich das auch wieder verbessern?

Der nächste Augentest wäre glaube ich bei der J2 fällig. Ich bin m/14.

Vielen Dank im voraus.


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10 months ago

Unfortunately, there is nothing to do with an already existing misunderstanding.

For a short time, I have been keen on how far mobile phone is removed from my eyes and trying to limit my screen time.

This is definitely good, not only for the eyes, but overall. In the case of iPhone, there is an option that allows you to adjust the distance to the display to a minimum, which I use because I tend to read from a rather small distance, which is, of course, bad for my anyway not low short-sightedness. If your phone has this feature, you could use it to support it, but you cannot expect any miracles.

I also have a bit of feeling worse in general. I’m not sure if I figure it out or not.

If you notice that you look worse, you should definitely do a visual test.

10 months ago
Reply to  whatatragedy

The feeling occurs only after I have seen a long time on the phone, or other screen. Does that happen, or should I go to the doctor as soon as possible?

10 months ago

Thanks for the ⭐

10 months ago

Drop your eyes. They’re probably too dry. You will notice that with moisture film about it also the visual force becomes better after a time.

10 months ago

You may try to train your vision. There are tips on the Internet

10 months ago
Reply to  inluvwime

99% of these offers are nothing more than pure jerks. Short-sightedness cannot be trained at all.

10 months ago

I would recommend you to make a vision test, then you can relatively determine if you need a correction or not.

10 months ago
Reply to  Binocular2022

Is it enough if I wait for the two years to the J2 or should the test be done as soon as possible? A strong or significant reduction in vision is not noticeable.

10 months ago

Should be done soon.

10 months ago

From here to the ophthalmologist no one can help you