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2 years ago

As the earth turns, people on the same geographical width also see the same stars, only at a different time. However, the difference between latitudes can make certain circular-polar constellations permanently invisible to the other hemisphere, which depends on the declination of the constellation (declination minus geographical width must not exceed 90°), e.g. we cannot see the southern cross, in New Zealand not the small bear.

2 years ago

No. The earth rotates. Earth is round. It’s like the moon. Everyone sees it at the other time, position

2 years ago

Just to simply express it: the closer you are to the northern geographic pole, the more you only see the constellations of the northern night sky. The closer one is to the southern geographic pole, the more one sees only the constellations of the southern night sky.

2 years ago

On the southern hemisphere you will not be able to see the polar star. You should be able to look through the earth.

2 years ago

No, they see other star pictures

2 years ago

No the North Hemisphere has its constellation and the South Hemisphere has another