Sehe stellen nicht und danach Kopfschmerzen warum?
Hey ab und zu kommt es dazu das ich aus dem nichts (zum Beispiel ) wenn ich meine hand anschaue meinn daumen oder bei der uhr die halbe uhr nicht sehe und wenn es nach 30 min weg ist bekomme ich kopf schmerzen warum ist das so ich habe es jedes jahr so 4 bis 5 mal
Yes, could actually indicate migraines: They often announce themselves with an aura, often in the form of visual disorders. The headaches are usually in the temple area, you are also very sensitive to noise and light.
Go to the doctor as soon as it happens again. There’s help against the headache.
He can best judge if something else could be behind it.
Thank you for the answer, my mother had it heite also then I told her about my experiences, I always thought migraine are just headaches and finished
Simply just headache is actually a bit more complex: there are a lot of different types. And also migraines can be quite different and very torment. What I described is a typical migraine. I had star vision and nausea.
Neurologists deal with this.
Sounds very like migraine